The New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee (NHRBC) reviews rare and unusual bird sightings in New Hampshire in an effort to maintain the accuracy and scientific integrity of rare bird records in the state. It is independent of New Hampshire Bird Records (NHBR) and New Hampshire Audubon. Per the NHRBC Bylaws, the purposes of the Committee includes the following:
- To review reports of unusual occurrences of birds within the state of New Hampshire and adjacent ocean waters.
- To accept or reject such reports based upon the adequacy of documentation.
- To establish and maintain an official state list of the birds of New Hampshire.
- To establish and maintain a list of species of sufficient rarity requiring review by the Committee (“Review Species”).
- To permanently maintain copies of evaluated records and their associated documentation and all Committee votes, comments, and pertinent outside expert information regarding those records.
- To respond to a request from the observer of the result of the evaluation of his/her records and to educate the birding community in general of the results of those deliberations.
- To work closely with the editors and staff of NHBR toward our common goals.
- To function as an independent technical advisory committee to New Hampshire Bird Records.
List of Members
Will Broussard
Adam Burnett
Kurk Dorsey, Chair
Jason Lambert
Chris McPherson, Secretary
Michael Resch