Birding Northern New Hampshire
By Robert A. Quinn

Birding sites in Northern New Hampshire demystified!
Boreal birds and dramatic vistas await you most any time of the year in New Hampshire’s North Country. Follow birder and naturalist Robert A. Quinn’s detailed new guide, Birding in Northern New Hampshire to the best birding in northern Coos County.
The abundance of boreal birds in Coos County is rarely seen anywhere else in New England. Bob’s book will help you plan your journey with details about the North Country areas of Errol, Lake Umbagog, Colebrook, and the Pittsburg Region plus additional tips as you drive north from Lancaster and Gorham. Species such as Boreal Chickadee, Canada Jay, Black-backed Woodpecker, and Spruce Grouse, among many others, could be part of your journey to northern New Hampshire.
Whether you are an experienced birder looking for specific species or a beginner just trying to figure out the best spots to go, this full-color guide has the information you need. The book contains maps and specific directions to the many bird species that can be found and the best times of the year to look for them. It provides details on how to get to marshes, ponds, lakes, wetlands, bogs, rivers, and back roads, as well as paddling sites and amazing vistas.
“Rails, bitterns, snipe, Marsh Wrens, Northern Harriers, and even Bobolinks are likely in the breeding season. The wooded edges are usually full of birds and the unexpected should always be anticipated.”
Full color with maps, 98 pages
Published by NH Audubon. All proceeds benefit NH Audubon
For sale at NH Audubon Nature Stores in Concord and Auburn.
Order online here.
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Development of this guide was funded with a grant from Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.