Current Issue – Summer 2023 [Vol. 42, No. 2]

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records Records with its color cover is sponsored in memory of Bob Crowley by his many birding friends, remembering his good humor, his passion for birding, and his friendly smile. He will be greatly missed.

Cover Photos: Top, Royal Tern by Cameron Johnson, 7-1-2023, Odiorne Point SP, Rye, NH. Bottom, Black-legged Kittiwake by Jennifer Esten, 6-11-2023, Pleasant Lake, New London, NH.

  • Remembering Bob Crowley by Joe Scott
  • Birds of Hinsdale Setbacks and Bluffs – Addendum
  • A New Photo Quiz by Greg Tillman
  • 2023 Goodhue-Elkins Award – George Gavutis, Jr
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2023 by Jason Pietrzak
  • Coos County Regional Report, Summer 2023 by Robert A. Quinn
  • One Good Royal Tern Deserves Another by Cameron Johnson
  • A Lost Bird on Pleasant Lake by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Common Nighthawk 2023 Nesting Season by Rebecca Suomala
  • Purple Martins in 2023 – a New Colony by Pamela Hunt
  • Volunteers and Research – Canada Jay Study by Jennifer Long
  • Field Notes Summer 2023 Anita Fernandez, Editor
    • Merlins Making Noise at Deer Mountain Campground by Kathryn Frieden
    • Whip-poor-will Whips up a Courtship Dance by Anita Fernandez
    • Seven Little Nuthatches Lined Up in a Row
    • Migrating Virginia Rail by Rebecca Suomala
    • Kingbird Attack! by Anita Fernandez
    • Tagged Lesser Black-backed Gull by Anita Fernandez
    • Barn Swallow Feeding on the Wall
    • Yellow-throated Vireo Feeding a Cowbird
    • A New Take on Cliff Swallow Nest Shape by Pamela Hunt
    • The Barn Swallow Six by Robert A. Quinn
    • Double-crested Cormorant “Hangs Ten”by Robert A. Quinn
    • A Northern Mockingbird Defends in Center Harbor by Jane Rice
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Birds and Butterflies of Pondicherry by Stephen R. Mirick
    • Pickering Ponds Nest Walk Holly Bauer
  • A Female Orchard Oriole Starts with a Single Blade of Grass by Melissa Moore
  • Nesting Eastern Screech-Owl in Concord by Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – The Nesting Habits of Wacky Wrens by George Gavutis, Jr.
  • The Merlin App: Pitfalls of Summer by Jason Pietrzak
  • Gannet Iris Color impacted by Bird Flu by Iain MacLeod
  • New Hampshire Lakes Region Osprey Monitoring by Iain MacLeod
  • Birding Prescott Farm, Laconia by Rob Woodward
  • What to Watch for in Summer
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by Greg Tillman

Issue sponsors make color covers possible. If you’re interested in sponsoring an issue, please contact Rebecca Suomala, Managing Editor.

Unless specified, all images on this website are © Leonard Medlock for New Hampshire Bird Records.

© 2023 New Hampshire Bird Records