Frequently Asked Questions about the Journal

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from interested birders about New Hampshire Bird Records.
We hope these FAQ’s answer your questions. If not please send us an e-mail at
I’m not a really active birder, is there something in New Hampshire Bird Records for me? Yes, beginning or experienced birders will find something new to learn and enjoy. We have a Photo Quiz to test your bird identification skills, tips on the “birding hot spots” in NH with maps, informative articles written in easy to understand language, a “species spotlight” article, a photo gallery and much more to appeal to every level of birder. Each issue will help you learn where to see birds and what birds are unusual.
How can I receive New Hampshire Bird Records? New Hampshire Bird Records is available in digital format free to all NH Audubon members. Printed copies are available to members for an annual fee. Our Join or Donate page has all the details. Our subscription year covers all four issues from one year and all mid-year subscribers receive all back issues published in the subscription year.
When does the publication come out? New Hampshire Bird Records is a quarterly publication and comes out four times a year. Unlike other publications, the issues are not named for the time that they come out but for the bird reports that are included in that issue. It takes time for the season editor to analyze and write up the report for each season. We plan to have each issue to you before the same season begins the next year. For example, Spring 2023 should be in your hands before Spring 2024 starts so you can get ideas for where and when to bird in spring.
What kind of order is used to list the birds in each issue? In the season summaries, the birds are typically discussed in the order used by eBird. This is not an alphabetized list but a taxonomic order, or system of classification that uses a bird’s form and structure to put them in order. It is the way most bird manuals and checklists are organized. Some Season Editors may group birds in a different way and this should be clear from the section headings.
Where do I go to find the birds I read about? Sightings that are included in each season’s summary can be found in eBird ( Look for them by exploring the species maps. eBird also has Hotpots that you can explore and look at what’s being seen at each of them. Most issues of New Hampshire Bird Records contains an article on a special place to bird in New Hampshire. Accompanying each article are maps and detailed information about the times to go and what birds you will see there. There are also several books published on where to go for the best birding locales in New Hampshire. Information about current New Hampshire bird sightings and where to find to many birding spots in New Hampshire can also be found in the Resources section of this website.
How can I do more? You can participate in the Backyard Winter Bird Survey conducted by New Hampshire Audubon the second weekend of February. There are many volunteer opportunities for people with varying abilities and time commitments at New Hampshire Bird Records and opportunities at NH Audubon, such as field surveys, counting various types of birds, etc. Also check the volunteer opportunities listed on the NH Audubon website.
How can I join a Christmas Bird Count (CBC)? At this annual event, birdwatchers survey birds in a designated “count circle” on a given day. A count survey area stays the same from year to year, comprising a circle fifteen miles in diameter around a central point. International in scope, the CBC is organized and compiled by the National Audubon Society, which coordinates all count circles so they don’t overlap. There are 21 counts in New Hampshire, and they are open to all interested birders. Many are run by New Hampshire Audubon Chapters and announced in their individual newsletters. Each count picks its own particular survey day between December 14 and January 5. Teams go out and survey sections of the count circle, but there are also feeder watchers within the circle who tally the birds in their backyards. For a list of the state’s Christmas Bird Counts and who to contact if you would like to participate see the Christmas Bird Count page at this website.