Important Bird Area Program Data Needs

The Important Bird Areas program needs your help to gather data on potential and existing Important Bird Areas (IBAs). The goal of the IBA program is to identify and conserve areas that are critical to one or more bird species for breeding, feeding, wintering, or migration.
A partnership coordinated by New Hampshire Audubon, the IBA Technical Committee reviews nomination forms and data from birders are often critical in these applications.
Help the Important Bird Areas program:
- bird at any of the following locations.
- report your sightings to eBird (
Current data needs to evaluate potential IBAs (north to south):
Pittsburg- Connecticut Lakes – migrant waterfowl
- South Bay Bog
Colebrook and Stewartstown
- Breeding season Northern Harrier and grassland birds
Connecticut River North – Lyme to Pittsburg (Lyme, Orford, Piermont, Haverhill, Bath, Monroe, Littleton, Dalton, Lancaster, Northumberland, Stratford, Columbia, Colebrook, Stewartstown. Includes McIdoe, Comerford and Moore Reservoirs in Monroe/Littleton)
- Migration concentrations, especially waterfowl
- Breeding species in wetlands
Lake Winnipesauke
- Migrant waterfowl
- Danbury Bog – breeding season wetland birds (i.e., rails, grebes, bitterns)
Existing IBAs in need of updated data:
Pontook Reservoir
- marshbirds (birrerns, grebes, rails)
Squam Lake
- Migrant waterfowl
Merrimack River, fields in Litchfield & Merrimack
- Bank Swallow colonies (Franklin to Nashua)
- Fields in Litchfield & Merrimack
Pawtuckaway State Park (Nottingham and Deerfield)