Overview – Report Your Sightings

Your sightings provide the core of the information for New Hampshire Bird Records and also provide important data for many conservation projects. We encourage everyone to submit records of the birds they are seeing. All of us who work at New Hampshire Bird Records, both staff and volunteers, greatly appreciate your cooperation in the recording of sightings and their timely submission. Thanks!
How to Report
Report your sightings on-line with NH eBird — click on the link, set up an account (it’s easy), and you’re ready to go.
NH eBird provides a version of eBird with a New Hampshire focus, and is the reporting system for New Hampshire Bird Records. Reporting to eBird is all you need to do to make sure your sightings are available for publication in New Hampshire Bird Records and for many other uses.
What to Report
The eBird reporting system encourages you to report everything that you see. This is different than previous reporting guidelines for New Hampshire Bird Records. You no longer need to wonder if what you’ve seen is “worth reporting.” We cannot publish all reports, but each plays a valuable role in creating an overall picture of a given season, and is part of a database that provides information on bird distribution for many research and conservation projects.
If you are unable to report via NH eBird, please contact us for the reporting form that New Hampshire Bird Records volunteers can use to enter sightings on your behalf. Contact us via email birdrecords@nhaudubon.org or call Grace McCulloch at 603-224-9909 Ext. 339.
We also encourage you to subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records. By subscribing, you will support not just the publication, but all future research projects and bird conservation in the state.