Publications and Websites

Helpful Birding Publications
New Hampshire Audubon’s Books, Booklets & Checklists — Call NH Audubon’s Nature Store (603-224-9909) to order any of the following:
- A Checklist of the Birds of New Hampshire with bar graphs and birding information
- Birding the New Hampshire Seacoast by Steve Mirick
- A Guide to the Winter Gulls of Northern New England
- The Atlas of Breeding Birds of New Hampshire
- Birding the New Hampshire Seacoast
- Birds of New England and Birds of New Hampshire Field Checklist Cards
- New Hampshire Yardlist
- Tweeter Cheater
Additional Publications
NEW! Birding Northern New Hampshire by Robert A. Quinn – A detailed guide to the best birding in northern Coos County. For sale in NH Audubon Nature Stores. For sale at NH Audubon Nature Stores in Concord and Auburn. Order online here or order by mail using this form. To read more about the book, click here.
Birds of the Squam Lakes Region by Beverly S. Ridgely, Robert S. Ridgely, and Kenneth H. Klapper – This expanded and fully revised edition of Bev Ridgely’s classic work includes updated accounts of the more than 280 species of birds found in the area and includes more than 200 color photographs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of birdlife in the beautiful Squam Lakes Region. It can be purchased online at:
Birdwatching in New Hampshire by Eric Masterson – This excellent guide covers more than 120 of the best birding sites across the Granite State, with clear, easy-to-read maps and detailed info on what birds you’ll find at each location, and when to go. Available here.
The Birds of New Hampshire by Robert P. Fox and Allan R. Keith. The first book in 100 years to document the sightings of birds in New Hampshire. It is a must-have for any avid New Hampshire birder. Available at the New Hampshire Audubon’s McLane Center Nature Store.
The Birds of Hinsdale Setbacks and Bluffs by Hector Galbraith. A free ebook with 70 pages of text, bar charts and photos that provide a detailed review of the two sites, their birds and birding opportunities. Available at:
New Hampshire Atlas & Gazetteer, published by DeLorme, is an invaluable reference for finding your way to birding locations.
Historical Publications
The Francis Beach White Library at New Hampshire Audubon, 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH, has a collection of books and journals that are focused on birds and natural history, especially in the New England area, but also includes national and international resources. There are excellent historical bird publications of value to researchers.
Contact NH Audubon for information on library hours or to make an appointment, 603-224-9909.
Available at New Hampshire Audubon’s McLane Center Nature Store is The Birds of New Hampshire by Robert P. Fox and Allan R. Keith. This is the first book in 100 years to document the sightings of birds in New Hampshire. It is a must-have for any avid New Hampshire birder. It includes:
- First state-wide coverage of all species in 110 years
- Status and distribution for all 427 species, seasons of occurrence and abundance
- History of New Hampshire Christmas Counts
- Summary of New Hampshire Hawk-watching data
- Location and identity of over 4,800 museum specimens collected in the state
- Summary of over 17,500 bird band returns for New Hampshire
- Breeding Bird Survey results since 1966
- Bibliography of over 1,200 titles covering the last 200 years
New Hampshire Bird Records archives at New Hampshire Audubon contain historical bird reports and journals prior to the computerization of records in 1986. Contact the Managing Editor for more information.
Helpful Birding Web Sites
- The Virtual Birder
- Birding on the Net
- Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA).
- HMANA’s Hawk Count.
- New England Hummers.
- Dr. Jay Pitocchelli’s Ornithology Resources.
NH Audubon Chapters
- Seacoast Chapter
- Or visit the New Hampshire Audubon site for additional postings.