Rare Bird Committee Species Review List

The New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee (NHRBC) determines which species are of sufficient rarity in the state to require a review of reports. The list of these Review Species is combined with the New Hampshire State List in one document. Click here to access the list at the NHRBC website. This list is updated by the RBC at their discretion. Additionally, any species observed outside its regular range (e.g., Gannet observed inland), or regular seasons (e.g., Swainson’s Thrush observed in winter), could be considered to be of sufficient rarity to require review by the NHRBC.
Observers are encouraged to document their sighting with a description of all pertinent details in their eBird report. Photographs (even poor ones) are extremely helpful in documenting a species. Documentation may be submitted via New Hampshire Bird Records (forms available here).
The New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee reviews sightings of rarities to maintain accuracy and scientific integrity of the state’s historic records. It is independent of New Hampshire Audubon and New Hampshire Bird Records.
Click here to view/download the current New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee’s Species List.