Rooftop Nest Patch Experiment

Volunteers creating a nighthawk nesting patch on a Concord rooftop, 5/16/07. Photo by Pam Hunt.
Nesting nighthawks have disappeared from nearly all New Hampshire towns. The cause of the decline is not known but rubber and PVC have largely replaced the peastone roofing that nighthawks preferred for nesting.
In 2007 Project Nighthawk initiated an experiment to investigate the potential for restoring nesting nighthawks by placing simple gravel “nest patches” on flat rooftops. We began in Keene and Concord where nighthawks could still be found.
Nighthawk Nest Patch Experiment – Description and Recommendations
Gravel Patch Handbook – includes:
- How to Install a Gravel Nest Patch
- Sample Patch Photos
- Patch FAQs for building owners and managers
- Registration and Monitoring Forms
Please Notify NH Audubon if you install a patch.
- Register your site by saving this MS Word form to your computer and filling it out or by printing this PDF form and filling it out, and returning the form to Becky Suomala via
- email or
- surface mail at New Hampshire Audubon, 84 Silk Farm Rd. Concord, NH 03301