Where to Bird

NH eBird Hotspots

Directions and more for the New Hampshire birding Hotspots in eBird.

NEW! Birding Northern New Hampshire by Robert A. Quinn

A detailed guide to the best birding in northern Coos County. For sale in NH Audubon Nature Stores.
Order online here.
Order by mail using this form.
Full details about this book are available here.

Birdwatching in New Hampshire

Eric Masterson’s Birdwatching in New Hampshire.

Birding the New Hampshire Seacoast

Birding the New Hampshire Seacoast – NH Audubon publication by Steve Mirick.

New Hampshire Bird Records

New Hampshire Bird Records publishes articles regularly on where to bird in New Hampshire. Check the contents of each issue for Where to Bird articles and free feature articles.

eBird’s New Hampshire Portal

New Hampshire Bird Records hosts the New Hampshire portal to eBird. Click the “Explore Data” tab to explore a region or explore hot spots.

Unless specified, all images on this website are © Leonard Medlock for New Hampshire Bird Records.

© 2025 New Hampshire Bird Records