Previous Issues (2003 to present)

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Previous Issues

Spring 2023 (VOL. 42, NO. 1)

  • Remembering Paul Miliotis by Holly Bauer
  • A New Photo Quiz by Greg Tillman
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2023 by Eric Masterson
  • Regional Reports
    • The Lake Sunapee and Sullivan County Area by Dylan Jackson
    • Coos County by Robert A. Quinn
  • New Birding Guide to Northern New Hampshire!
  • Interview with a Birder – Bob Quinn by Kathryn Frieden
  • Ode to the Outlet by Robert A. Quinn
  • Say’s Phoebe – A “Bird Day” Gift by Ruth Smith
  • Field Notes Spring 2023 Anita Fernandez, Editor
    • Broad-winged Hawk with a Snake by Kathryn Frieden
    • A Female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in Bow by Anita Fernandez
    • What Nest is This? by Rebecca Suomala
    • A Shape-shifting Warbler in Grafton County by Anita Fernandez
    • Downy vs. Red-bellied: Can’t Woodpeckers Just Get Along? by Anita Fernandez
    • Barred Owl Nest
    • Scarlet Tanager Fallout by Robert A. Quinn
    • Queen Eider Anniversary by Kathryn Frieden
    • Showdown in Orford—Sandhill Crane vs. Canada Goose by Catherine Holland
  • Chipping Sparrow Masquerades as a Clay-colored Sparrow by Steven Lamonde
  • Big Days in May
    • Durham 5 MR big Morning/Evening by Kurk Dorsey
    • Sullivan Big Day by Dylan Jackson
    • Concord Big Day by Pam Hunt
    • Big Day on May 14 by Logan Anderson
  • Big Day Record! An Account of a Very Long Day of Birding by Pam Hunt
  • Backyard Birder – Carolina Wren Feeds Fledglings by Kathryn Frieden
  • Birds and Trail Cameras by Iain MacLeod
  • Pickering Ponds Field Trip
  • Birding Chamberlain-Reynolds Memorial Forest, Center Harbor by Rob Woodward
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by Greg Tillman
  • Photo Gallery – Star Island in Spring
  • What to Watch for in Spring
  • Submitting Unusual Sightings to eBird

Winter 2022-2023 (VOL. 41, NO. 4)

  • Lingering Migrants
  • From the Editor – New Benefit for NH Audubon Members
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • Birds of 2022 and Bird of the Year Awards! by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Two Mountain Bluebirds in New Hampshire!
    • A Longitudinally-displaced Bluebird in Peterborough by Chuck Carlson
    • A Bluebird Exchange Program in Newington by Ethan Maier
  • My “Lil Girl” – the Story of a Rufous Hummingbird by Marisol Delgado
  • Field Notes Winter 2022-23 Anita Fernandez, Editor
    • Robin Snow Removal Service in Canterbury by Lois Scribner
    • Leucistic Red-Tailed Hawk Suffers from Progressive Greying by Anita Fernandez
    • Nuthatch Storing Seeds in Danville by Anita Fernandez
    • Cooper’s Hawk in Stratham Finds a Backyard Hotspot by Roger Stephenson
    • Banded Green-winged Teal in Suncook by Rebecca Suomala
  • Field Trip Report – North Country Field Trip by Greg Tillman
  • Backyard Birder – The Hermit of Webster by Robert A. Quinn
  • Starting a New Year by Greg Tillman
  • Superbowl of Birding 2023
    • Where were the Twitchers? by Rebecca Suomala
    • The Wild CARDinals win the Townie Award by Jim Sparrell and Katie Towler
    • A Personal Best for the Harris Center Kestrels by Phil Brown
  • One Hundred Birds a Month by Holly Bauer
  • The One Mile Radius List by Rob Woodward
  • The Rockingham Recreation Trail Part II: The West End by Kathryn Frieden
  • Research – Ipswich Sparrow Tracking Study by Rebecca Suomala
  • From There to Here: The Christmas Bird Count in New Hampshire by Kathryn Frieden
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2022-23 by Jason Pietrzak
  • 123rd Christmas Bird Count Table
  • What to Watch for in Winter
  • Submitting Unusual Sightings to eBird – A Quick Review Winter
  • Hawks of Winter

Fall 2022 [VOL. 41, NO. 3]

  • Late Fall Migrants
  • From the Editor
  • Interview with a Birder: Steve Mirick by Kathryn Frieden
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2022 by Ben Griffith
  • Regional Report, Coos County by Robert A. Quinn
  • November County Challenge 2022 compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • Fall 2022 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • New Hampshire’s Newest Hawkwatch at Alton Bay by Rob Woodward
  • Fall 2022 Nighthawk Migration
    • Nighthawk Migration Musings by Rob Woodward
    • Nighthawk Migration in Concord, NH by Rebecca Suomala
    • Nighthawk Watches Piloted in Hancock and Swanzey by Phil Brown
  • Fall 2022 Field Notes Anita Fernandez, Editor
    • Look Who’s Looking at You
    • Swooping Cedar Waxwings in Peterborough by John Ranta
    • A Hole in Your Apple? Don’t Blame the Worm by Anita Fernandez
    • Leucistic Chickadee in Warren since 2017 by Anita Fernandez
    • A Ray of Sunshine in an Evening Grosbeak Flock: Schizochromism by Anita Fernandez
    • American Goldfinch Eat to the Beet (Greens) by Anita Fernandez
    • A Ruffed Grouse Making a Friend in Warner by Anita Fernandez
    • Why did the Cattle Egrets cross Rt. 108? by Steve Mirick
  • There’s No Place Like Home: A Dream Season in Sandwich by Ken Klapper
  • Fall Pelagic Trip and Photo Gallery by Steve Mirick
  • Northern Saw-Whet Owl Banding in the Monadnock Region by Hillary Siener
  • Birding Grey Rocks Conservation Area Suzanne Smith, Mirka Zapletal, and Tom McShane
  • Broad-winged Hawk Nest Monitoring and Tracking by Phil Brown
  • What to Watch for in Fall
  • Colors of Fall

Summer 2022 [VOL. 41, NO. 2]

  • Colors of Summer
  • From the Editor – Volunteer Needs, Birding Ethics Web Page
  • “Share Our Shores” – A Bird-friendly Photography Website
  • 2022 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Rob Woodward
  • Celebrating the Birds of the Squam Lakes Region by Iain MacLeod
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2022 by Jason Pietrzak
  • Regional Report, Coos County by Robert A. Quinn
  • Summer 2022 Field Notes Anita Fernandez, Editor
    • Ruby-throated Hummingbird Rescue by Joe Reisert
    • Seven Juvenile Sora found in Hollis
    • Historic Note: Virginia Rail Chick Reunited in Barrington
    • Common Merganser Chick Hitching a Ride by Anita Fernandez
    • An Irate House Wren Moves In by Anita Fernandez
    • Dive Bombed by a Merlin in Winchester by Joshua Jarvis
    • Hairy Woodpecker Feeding Eastern Bluebird Chick by Amy Severino
    • Red-shouldered Hawk Nest by Rebecca Suomala
    • Late Nesting Orchard Orioles at Pickering Ponds photos by Alan Murray
  • Common Nighthawk 2022 Nesting Season by Rebecca Suomala
  • Stories of New Hampshire’s Nesting Kestrels
    • American Kestrels Nesting in Concord by Anita Fernandez
    • Capital Kestrels by Steve Wheeler
    • A Kestrel Surprise at Rockingham County Farm Complex by Steve Wheeler
  • Nesting Saw-whet Owl in Dublin, NH by Tom Warren
  • Field Trip Report – Birding for All at the Edward MacDowell Lake in Peterborough by Phil Brown
  • Two Peterborough Birding Hotspots by Nora Hanke
  • The Odd Behavior of Anting and Sunning compiled by Anita Fernandez
    • Tufted Titmouse Sunbathing in East Kingston by Dennis Skillman
    • Pine Warbler Anting in Portsmouth City Park by Jim Sparrell
  • Backpack Birder – Nest-finding on a Father’s Day Hike by Jason Pietrzak
  • Report Unique Distance for eBird Traveling Counts by Nora E. Hanke
  • Whip-poor-will Habitat Research by Jeffrey T. Larkin
  • Help Your Chickadees by Rebecca Suomala
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report: Spring 2021 through Winter 2021-22
  • What to Watch for in Summer

Spring 2022 [VOL. 41, NO. 1]

  • From the Editor – New Digital Option
  • Thank You Steve and Jane Mirick
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2022 by Eric Masterson
  • Regional Report, Spring 2022
    • Sullivan County and Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
    • Coos County by Robert A. Quinn
  • Spring 2022 Field Notes Kathryn Frieden, Editor
    • Iceland Gull Escapes a Bald Eagle by Kyle Wilmarth
    • American Oystercatcher Behavior photos by Jim Sparrell
    • The Three Trillers of Early Spring by Chris McPherson
    • Black-throated Blue Warbler Visits a Feeder
    • Eastern Phoebe Reclaims Nest by Sallie Barker
    • Black Vulture Makes a Home Visit by Andrew Cornell
    • Peregrine Falcon Using Osprey Nest by Kathryn Frieden
    • Aerial Show in Kensington by George W. Gavutis, Jr.
    • Lapland Longspur in Breeding Plumage
  • Big Day in May by various authors
    • Cheshire County Big Day by Pam Hunt
  • A Northern Lapwing in New Hampshire by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Glockenspiel, the Glaucous Gull by Rebecca Suomala
  • Late April Snow Concentrates Migrants by Robert A. Quinn
  • Field Trip Report
    • NH Audubon Tri-State Pelagic to Jeffreys Ledge by Stephen R. Mirick
    • Deer Hill Wildlife Management Area by Scott Heron
    • Warbler Wednesdays by Blake Allison
  • Easter Birds and Cans by Kurk Dorsey
  • Satellite Tracking of Fifteen NH Ospreys by Iain MacLeod
  • Birding the former Laconia State School campus by Rob Woodward
  • Simple, Cheap DIY Wildlife Microphone by Iain MacLeod
  • Black Vultures Expanding in New Hampshire by Pam Hunt and Steve Mirick
  • What to Watch for in Spring
  • Corrections

Winter 2021/2022 [VOL. 40, NO. 4]

  • Warblers of Winter, Take 2
  • From the Editor
  • Birds and Ukraine
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2021 through February 28, 2022 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • Regional Report, Winter 2021/2022 – Sullivan County and Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
  • Steller’s Sea-Eagle – The Rarity of the Century? by Rebecca Suomala
  • Warbler Weekend Bonanza in December! by Stephen Mirick
  • Winter 2021-22 Field Notes Kathryn Frieden, Editor
    • Spectacular Loon Rescue on Lake Winnipesaukee
    • “Zebra” Plumage of Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk
    • American Goldfinch/Pine Siskin Hybrid by Iain MacLeod
    • Arctic Tundra Visitor in Concord by Mark Suomala
    • Ovenbird in Winter by Kathryn Frieden
    • Identifying an Individual Barn Swallow
    • “Green Morph” Siskin by Alex Lamoreaux
    • New Osprey Platform at Pondicherry NWR
    • “Backpacking” Peregrine Falcon Winter Update
    • Synchronized Carolina Wrens by Jim Sparrell
  • Clay-colored Sparrow Reappears for a Second Winter by Rebecca Suomala
  • Photo Gallery – Common X Barrow’s Goldeneye Hybrids
  • County Birding Challenges Bring out Old Competitive Spirit by Iain MacLeod
  • The Semi-Superbowl of Birding 2022 by Kathryn Frieden
  • The Pro Bowl of Birding by Kurk Dorsey
  • Species Spotlight – American Tree Sparrow by Pam Hunt
  • The Downy Roost by Anita Hernandez
  • Backyard Birder – Bald Eagles Can Swim by Kathryn Frieden
  • New Hampshire eBird: Did you know? by Steven Lamonde
  • Birding the Joslin Road Gravel Pit, Surry, NH by Natalie Thomson
  • Indoor Cats—Worth the Effort! by Kathryn Frieden
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary by David Deifik
  • 122nd Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • What to Watch for in Winter
  • Photo Gallery – Raptors of Winter

Fall 2021 [VOL. 40, NO. 3]

  • Harris’s Sparrow in Greenland, NH; Black Tern at the Exeter WTP, NH
  • From the Editor We’re on Schedule, Endowment Fund
  • How Many Birds in the Picture?
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2021 by Ben Griffith
  • Regional Report, Fall 2021 – Sullivan County and Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
  • A Hybrid Flycatcher in Dover by Stephen Mirick
  • A Lazuli Bunting on Star Island…. Again! by Rebecca Suomala
  • Field Notes Kathryn Frieden, Coordinator
    • Northern Gannet Blown Off Course by Kathryn Frieden
    • Surprising Location for a Sanderling
    • Common Nighthawk on Star Island
    • Noisy Grackles by Richard Bielawski
    • Woodpecker Drinking from Hummingbird Feeder
    • Discovery of a Bank Swallow Colony
    • Black-crowned Night-Heron Bonanza!
  • Fall 2021 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Documenting Rarities in eBird by Stephen Mirick
  • The Merlin App Sound ID by Iain MacLeod
  • Volunteers and Research—Black Tern with Color Bands by Danielle Dauria
  • Backyard Birder – Do Birds eat Small Mammals? by Kathryn Frieden
  • Chasing Rarities by Jon Woolf
  • Birding from Gorham to Errol, NH by Robert A. Quinn
  • Photo Gallery – Cattle Egrets Doing What They do Best!
  • Concord 2021 Nighthawk Migration by Rebecca Suomala
  • Corrections, Summer 2016 through Winter 2017-18
  • What to Watch for in Fall

Summer 2021 [VOL. 40, NO. 2]

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
  • From the Editor
  • Mary Wright
  • Goodhue-Elkins Award – Eric Masterson
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2021 by Greg Tillman
  • Regional Report, Summer 2021 – Sullivan County and Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
  • Vagrancy and the Roseate Spoonbill by Stephen Mirick
  • Isles of Shoals Tern Report 2021
  • Field Notes Diana Stephens and Kathryn Frieden, Editors
    • Kayaking Cormorant
    • Migration in Summer by Robert A. Quinn
    • Peregrine Falcon Returns to Boscawen, NH by Chris Martin
    • Flight of the Glossy Ibis by Dylan Jackson
    • Brown Thrasher Feeding an Eastern Kingbird by Kathryn Frieden
    • Snowy Owl in Ossipee by Kathryn Frieden
    • Leucistic Red-winged Blackbird Continues
    • Swallow Nests in Downtown Errol by Rebecca Suomala
    • The Black Guillemots of East Rock by Rebecca Suomala
  • Red-tailed Hawk Chick Raised by Bald Eagles by Diana Stephens and Chris Martin
  • Red-headed Woodpeckers Nesting at Bear Brook State Park – 2021 update by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Managing Locations in the eBird Mobile App by Kathryn Frieden
  • Volunteers Needed to Ensure Continued Success of Purple Martins by Dennis Skillman
  • Northern Goshawk Nest in Center Harbor by Iain MacLeod
  • The Sandhill Cranes of New Hampshire by Kathryn Frieden
  • Backyard Birder – Do Turkeys Sleep in Trees? Text and photos by Diana Stephens
  • Discovering the Birds of the Ossipee Mountains by Rob Woodward
  • The A-List Birds of the Lakes Region by Rob Woodward
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report – Spring 2020 through Winter 2020-21
  • Photo Gallery – Airport Marsh Grebes and Bitterns
  • Birding During the Gas Crunch by Jon Woolf
  • What to Watch for in Summer
  • Roseate Spoonbill in Gorham

Spring 2021 [VOL. 40, NO. 1]

  • Snowy Owl Squabble
  • From the Editor – Changes to New Hampshire Bird Records
  • New Hampshire’s Swallows
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2021 by Eric Masterson
  • Regional Report, Spring 2021 – Sullivan County and Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
  • Virginia’s Warbler by Holly Bauer
  • Long-eared Owl – My Nemesis Bird by Stephen Mirick
  • The Hinsdale Waterbird Fallout of May 5, 2021 by Hector Galbraith
  • Coastal Migration – Spring, 2021 by Stephen Mirick
  • What to Watch for in Spring
  • Spring 2021 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Editor
    • Songbirds and Squirrels Enjoy Maple “Popsicles” by Sally Bertrand
    • Ospreys Relocated to New Nest in Portsmouth by Iain MacLeod
    • Hairy Woodpeckers Do “Line Dance” in Warren compiled by Diana Stephens
    • Dead Razorbill Found in Chocorua by Jersey Nickerson
    • Four Barred Owlets in Dover by Deb Powers
    • Ospreys Arrive to Nest at Heron Rookery by Susan Poirier
    • Flash Freeze on the Magalloway
    • Migration in Errol, NH by Robert A. Quinn
    • Leucistic Red-winged Blackbird at Quincy Bog
  • A Seven Owl Day in New Hampshire by Zeke Cornell
  • Short-eared Owl Show
    • Portsmouth Country Club by Jim Sparrell
    • Dillant-Hopkins Airport by Rebecca Suomala
  • A Hoot of a Night by Charlie Nims
  • Horned Lark Nest at Concord Airport by Rebecca Suomala
  • The Lost Birds of Merrimack County by Rob Woodward
  • Birding the Periphery of Pawtuckaway State Park by Kathryn Frieden
  • Volunteers and Research – The Finch Research Network by Matthew A. Young
  • Backyard Birder – Yellow-rumped Warblers at Suet Feeder by Diana Stephens
  • A Flicker of Life by Kurk Dorsey
  • Photo Gallery – Long-eared and Short-eared Owls

Winter 2020/2021 [VOL. 39, NO. 4]

  • A “Superflight” of Winter Finches
  • From the Editor
  • Which Goldeneye is Which?
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • Winter Warbler Research: Community Science Opportunity by Chad Witko
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2020-21 by David Deifik
  • 121st Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • The Winter Irruption of 2020-21 by Pam Hunt
  • Mid-winter Bald Eagle Survey Discontinued by Chris Martin
  • Finding New Hampshire’s First Ever Sage Thrasher by Cory Ross
  • Inland Pacific Loon at Leavitt Park Beach, Meredith by Iain MacLeod
  • Winter 2020-21 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Editor
    • Barred Owl Visits a Backyard Feeder by Nancy Allenby
    • Wreath of Robins by Michelle Roberge
    • Why Blue Jays Eat Paint by Diana Stephens
    • A Different Kind of Blue Jay photos by Ben Haubrich
    • Xanthochromic and Leucistic Coloring in Evening Grosbeaks
    • A Wilson’s Snipe Spends the Winter by Stuart Varney
    • Three Glaucous Gulls (in Three Different Plumages) by Robert A. Quinn
    • Wintering Ovenbird, Portsmouth, NH by Lynn and Robin Schweikart
  • A Canada Jay in Sandwich, NH by Robert Ridgely
  • The Semi-Superbowl of Birding 2021
  • Birding New Castle, NH by Patience Chamberlin
  • Old Man Knowles – The Dangers of Discarded Fishing Tackle by Janice Landry
  • Crow Chronicles by Dana Fox
  • Birding at the Exeter Wastewater Treatment Plant compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • How Birding Saved Me During the 2020 Pandemic by Diana Stephens
  • Photo Gallery – Warblers of Winter 2020-21

Fall 2020 [VOL. 39, NO. 3]

  • From the Editor – Endowment Fund reaches $50,000
  • Ralph Andrews Memorial
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2020 by Ben Griffith
  • Nighthawk Migration, Concord compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • White-rumped Sandpipers on Mt. Washington by Dave Cowan
  • Waterbird Fallout in Grafton County by Robert A. Quinn
  • Nighthawk Breeding Summary 2020 by Rebecca Suomala
  • Onychoprion fuscatus) by Stephen Mirick
  • Fall 2020 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Fall 2020 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Editor
    • Owl Love?
    • Blue Jay Migration in Sandwich by Ken Klapper
    • Red-headed Woodpecker Flies over Mt. Monadnock by Steven Lamonde
    • Foot Quivering in Thrush by Diana Stephens and Rebecca Suomala
    • Halloween Birding in Durham by Kurk Dorsey
    • The Snow Bunting Flock in Hampton by Diana Stephens
    • Five Grosbeaks in One Fall Season! by Jim Sparrell
  • Two Fall Pelagic Trips
    • Pelagic Trip on 9/17/20 by Stephen Mirick
    • Jeffreys Ledge at Sunrise by Rebecca Suomala
  • Red Crossbills by Lillian Stokes
  • Two Yellow-billed Teal (Anas flavirostris) hybrids in Rye, NH by Jörn Lehmhus
  • Whooper Swans in New Hampshire by Stephen Mirick
  • November County Challenge edited by Rebecca Suomala
  • Birding Mill Pond on Moose Mountain Lodge Road, Hanover by Larry Morin
  • Pandemic Birding with the “Bathing Beauties of Webster” by Robert A. Quinn
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by Leo McKillop
  • Hunters at Exeter WTP by Diana Stephens
  • Photo Gallery – Invasion of the Irruptives

Summer 2020 [VOL. 39, NO. 2]

  • From the Editor – Summer Editor Needed
  • Promoting an Inclusive Birding Community
  • 2020 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Betsy Janeway
  • June 1 through July 31, 2020 by Greg Tillman
  • Red-headed Woodpeckers Nesting at Bear Brook State Park by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Is it a Yellow-billed Loon? compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • Common Loon 2020 Breeding Season Highlights by John Cooley
  • Nighthawk Breeding Summary 2020 by Rebecca Suomala
  • Mississippi Kites of Southeastern New Hampshire by Stephen Mirick
  • The Rockingham Recreational Trail, Newfields Section by Kathryn Frieden
  • Backyard Birder – Grape Jelly … Not Just for Orioles Anymore by Dan Hubbard
  • Summer 2020 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Editor
    • Fish Crow Predation by Scott Heron
    • Identify Your Rose-breasted Grosbeak by Rebecca Suomala
    • Bluebird Helpers by Diana Stephens and Rebecca Suomala
    • Osprey Fledging at Great Bay NWR by Steve Bennett
    • A Virginia Rail in Epping? by Greg Tillman
    • The Pine Siskin and the Goldfinch
    • A Very Surprised Sanderling by Jon Woolf
  • Pandemic Backyard Birding by Iain MacLeod
  • Nesting Stories by Robert A. Quinn
  • A Birdbath with Karma by Ruth Smith
  • Motus is Underway in New England by Carol Foss
  • Rusty Blackbird Nest Photos
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz – Eastern Wood-Pewee versus Eastern Phoebe by Susan Wrisley
  • Photo Gallery – Nesting Least Terns

Spring 2020 [VOL. 39, NO. 1]

  • Photo Quiz Inside Front Cover
  • From the Editor: Volunteer Update, Birding During COVID-19
  • Ann Kimball
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2020 by Eric Masterson
  • Birding Deer Hill Wildlife Management Area by Terry Bronson and Greg Tillman (See the Map)
  • Using Birdsong to Study Migratory Connectivity in Mourning Warblers by Dr. Jay Pitocchelli and Dr. Donald H. Rhodes
  • The Song of the Cerulean Warbler (Or Not) compiled by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • Winter 2019-20 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Coordinator
    • Hermit Thrush in the Snow compiled by Diana Stephens
    • White-breasted Nuthatches Protect Their Nest with Insects by Kathryn Frieden
    • Hummingbird on Snow-Covered Feeder
    • Color-banded Peregrine Falcon on Star Island by Diana Stephens
    • Banded Baltimore Oriole by Rebecca Suomala
    • White-crowned Sparrow Spring Songfest by Jim Sparrell
    • Fledgling Great Horned Owl in Manchester
  • What Pandemic Birding Taught Me—and It Isn’t Pretty… by Kurk Dorsey
  • A Socially-Distant Christmas-in-May Birdathon 2020 compiled by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – A Fledgling Robin Learns to Fly by Diana Stephens
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report: Spring 2019 through Winter 2019-20 Seasons, and Selected Historical Records
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Update by Mike Resch
  • Checking the Status of Spring Migrants by Rebecca Suomala
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by Jon Woolf
  • Photo Gallery – The Transformation of a Red-headed Woodpecker [Inside Back Cover

Winter 2019/2020 [VOL. 38, NO. 4]

  • Photo Quiz Inside Front Cover
  • From the Editor
  • A Recipe for Success by Susan Wrisley
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: Dec. 1, 2019 through Feb. 29, 2020 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary by David Deifik
  • 120th Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • Winter 2019-20 Field Notes Diana Stephens, Coordinator
    • Brief Encounter with a Rarity by Scott Young
    • A Fox Sparrow Sings in Winter by Dan Hubbard
    • An Eastern Towhee in Warner by Mimi Wiggins
    • One-Legged Towhee in Kensington by Karen Hendrickx
    • Snow Buntings at 3:00 am by David Starrett
    • Breeding Plumage American Goldfinch in mid-winter . . . again by Iain MacLeod
    • Why did the Red-tailed Hawk Cross the Water? by Eric Masterson
  • Painted Bunting in Albany! by James Longo
  • A Bullock’s Oriole in My Yard by Mary Weismann
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report Spring 2018 through Winter 2018-19
  • 64 Days of The Yellow-breasted Chat by Jim Sparrell and Katie Towler
  • Tree Swallows in the Snow by Stephen R. Mirick
  • 299 Birds…Plus One by Susan Wrisley
  • New Hampshire County Quest 2019 by Pamela Hunt
  • Winter 2019-20 Field Trip Report
    • A North American Big Year Comes To New Hampshire – Part 2 by Rob Woodward
    • Seacoast Chapter Winter Finch Trip by Sam Stoddard
  • Superbowl of Birding XVII with the “Twitchers Out of the Rye” 2020 by Kathryn Frieden
  • Backyard Birder – Six Chipping Sparrows in Winter by Diana Stephens
  • Winter Birding at Trudeau Road, Bethlehem by Mark Suomala
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by Susan Wrisley

Fall 2019 [VOL. 38, NO. 3]

  • From the Editor
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2019 by Ben Griffith
  • Hurricane Dorian by Steve Mirick
  • Along Came a Sparrow… by Chris McPherson
  • Cassin’s Sparrow on Star Island by Eric Masterson
  • Finding a Marbled Godwit by Susan Wrisley
  • Backyard Birder – Birds “Frozen” on Feeder by Diana Stephens and Rebecca Suomala
  • Photo Gallery – Northern Gannet Takes a Dive photos by Ralph Fletcher
  • Fall 2019 Field Notes compiled by Diana Stephens
    • Late Red-eyed Vireo Nesting by Ben Griffith
    • Late October Goldfinch Nest by Eric Masterson
    • Black Skimmer attacked by a Peregrine Falcon! by Diana Stephens
    • Hampton Harbor Dredging by Diana Stephens
    • Feeding Frenzy in the Yard by Lori Charron
    • Hampton Harbor Dredging by Diana Stephens
    • A Great Egret in the Drive
    • Songbird Frozen in a Pitcher Plant! by Diana Stephens
    • Iceland Gull Over the Years
  • Field Trip Report
    • First Annual Monadnock Region Birding Cup Soars by Steven Lamonde and Kim Snyder
    • Merrimack River Paddle and a Record Number of Bald Eagles by Robert A. Quinn/li>
    • NH Audubon Pelagic by Steve Mirick and Rebecca Suomala
  • Updated History of Hawkwatching in New Hampshire by Iain MacLeod
  • Fall 2019 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report Spring 2018 through Winter 2018-19
  • Answer to the Summer 2019 Photo Quiz by Leo McKillop
  • Birding Page Pond Community Forest, Meredith by Rob Woodward

Summer 2019 [Vol. 38 No. 2]

  • From the Editor
  • Remembering Denny Abbott – New Hampshire’s, and New England’s, Consummate Birder by Mike Resch
  • 2019 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Iain MacLeod
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2019 by Pam Hunt
  • Summer 2019 Field Notes compiled by Diana Stephens
    • Pied-billed Grebe Nest Update by Diana Stephens
    • Tree Swallow Nest in a Cannon! by Rebecca Suomala
    • Three Adult Mississippi Kites Seen in Durham Nest by Ed Norton
    • Cerulean – the Color of Frustration by Susan Wrisley
    • First Successful Bald Eagle’s Nest in Concord in over 100 Years by Diana Stephens
  • Mississippi Kites in New Hampshire by Steve Mirick
  • A North American Big Year Comes To New Hampshire Part 1 by Rob Woodward
  • A Twist on Birding While Gardening by Marie Nickerson
  • Record Productivity for Purple Martins in 2019 by Diana Stephens
  • Bird Watchers of New Hampshire on Facebook by Charlee Breen
  • The Ospreys are Back at the Strafford County Complex! by Dan Hubbard
  • Birding the Mount Washington Valley – Part 2 by Charlie Nims
  • Find Good Birding Spots and Keep Your own Lists in eBird by Kathryn Frieden
  • The Next Ten Species Predictions – How did we do? by Iain MacLeod
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report, Spring 2017 through Winter 2017-18
  • Photo Quiz – Back Cover; Answer will be in the next issue

Spring 2019 [Vol. 38 No. 1]

  • From the Editor – A New Look for New Hampshire Bird Records
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2019 by Eric Masterson
  • Spring 19 Field Notes compiled by Diana Stephens
    • A Yellow-throated Warbler in Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
    • A (Yellow) Purple Finch!
    • Scarlet Tanager Eats a Balanced Meal
    • Bald Eagle vs. Great Blue Heron by Diana Stephens
    • A Fearless Great Blue by Jon Woolf
    • Blue-winged Warbler Hybrid Seen in Durha
    • White-winged Scoter Found in Downtown Manchester
    • The Hawk and the Wren by Catherine Fisher
    • Woodcock with Babies
  • Field Trip Report Spring 2019
    • A “Big Day” of Spring Birding in New Hampshire by Steve Mirick
    • My Mid-May “Medium” Morning by Kurk Dorsey
    • Brown Thrashers Raptorthon Summary by Julie Brown
    • A Five-Mile Radius Big Day by Pam Hunt
    • Epping “Medium” Day by Greg Tillman
    • A North Country Field Trip During a Remarkable Season by Bob Quinn and Doug Bechtel
  • Photo Gallery – Bay-breasted Warbler Visits Pelagic Trip by Rebecca Suomala
  • Find Birds with eBird by Kathryn Frieden
  • Birding at the Top of New England by Will Broussard
  • Loon Rescue at Rye Harbor by Jon Woolf
  • Songbird Saver: A New Website to Help Prevent Birds from Colliding into Towers by Steve Holmer
  • Birders Encounter a Satellite-tagged Merlin on Star Island by Chris DeSorbo
  • Volunteers and Research – Bahama Piping Plovers Nest in New Hampshire by Meryl Friedrich
  • A Trumpeter Swan in New Hampshire! A Historical Perspective by Diana Stephens
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2018-19 [Vol. 37 No. 4]

  • Thank You to Donors (see the color photo on the Back Cover)
  • Chan Robbins: His Final 24 Years – 1993-2017 by George Robbins
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • A Unicorn Does a Fly-by by Steve Bennett, for “the Ross’s Five”
  • A Comparison of Three Winter Pelagics compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary by David Deifik
  • 119th Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • Winter 2018-19 Field Notes compiled by Diana Stephens
    • Peregrine Falcon Dive Bombs Photographer by Deb Powers
    • Winter Wrens at Locke Road by Pam Hunt
    • Razorbill Seen Inland at Adam’s Point in Durham by Steve Mirick
    • Snowy Owl Dies on Star Island by Alexandra de Steiguer
    • Red-shouldered Hawk Seen on Same Branch Five Years Later
    • Bald Eagle versus Bald Eagle by Kris Hakoun and Chris Martin
    • Black-throated Blue Warbler in Raymond
    • Return of the Ospreys
  • Field Trip Report compiled by Gail Coffey
    • Coos County Winter Finch Count 2019-Trip Report by Lori Charron
    • New Hampshire Teams in The Superbowl of Birding
      • Zone-tailed Blitzers Win Superbowl of Birding XVI by Steven Lamonde
      • Wedding Interrupts the Superbowl! by Steve Mirick
      • Twitchers out of the Rye 2019 by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • Where Have All The Redpolls Gone? by Diana Stephens
  • Barred Owl Phenomenon by Kathryn Frieden
  • Who is Ross? by Kathryn Frieden
  • Backyard Birder – Preening by Brenda Sens
  • River Valley Birding in Westmoreland and Walpole by Adam Burnett
  • Technology Series – New Birding in New Hampshire Website by Ken Ostermiller
  • Volunteers and Research – Why do I need to clean my feeders? – House Finch Eye Disease by Jon Woolf
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report – Spring 2016 through Winter 2016-17, and Selected Historical Records
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2018 [Vol. 37 No. 3]

  • Photo Quiz (see the color photo on the Back Cover)
  • Chan Robbins: His Third 25 Years – 1968-1993 by George Robbins
  • Photo Gallery – New Hampshire’s First Wood Stork
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2018 by Ben Griffith
  • Fall 2018 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Field Notes compiled by Diana Stephens
    • Purple Finch Lost (and Found!) at Sea by Steve Mirick
    • Banded Birds
    • Sleeping Downy Woodpecker
    • Red Bat vs. Merlin
    • Fun Watching Chimney Swifts by Rebecca Suomala
    • Screech-Owl Flies Into Car
  • Cold Plunge for a Seaside Sparrow by Steve Bennett
  • Field Trip Report
    • SKUA!! NH Audubon’s Fall 2018 Pelagic Birding Trip Report by Jon Woolf
    • Two Red Heads in One Day by Katherine Towler
  • It’s Squirrel-maggedon! by Diana Stephens
  • A Barnacle Goose Story
    • Duck, Duck, Goose by Jim Sparrell
    • Amazing Circumstances – Fun with Birds (and Birders)! by Bob Quinn
  • Common Nighthawk Migration in Concord, Fall 2018 by Zeke Cornell
  • Birding NH Audubon’s Dahl Wildlife Sanctuary by Charlie Nims and Phil Brown
  • Falling in Love with Fall Warblers by Diana Stephens
  • Backyard Birder – Evening Grosbeaks! by Rebecca Suomalah
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Summer 2018 [Vol. 37 No. 2]

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz (see the color photo on the Back Cover)
  • 2018 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Rich Aaronian, Paul Lacourse, and Peggy Meyette
  • Chan Robbins: His Second 25 Years – 1943-1968 by George Robbins
  • June 1 through July 31, 2018 by Chad Witko
  • Summer 2018 Field Notes compiled by Diana Talbot
    • Amazing Nest Camouflage? by Diana Talbot
    • Red-tailed Hawk Raises Chick in Downtown Manchester
    • House Finch Begs From Brown-headed Cowbird by Dan Hubbard
    • Successful Eagle Re-Nest! by Chris Martin and Diana Talbot
    • Osprey Nest Moved to Better Location at Tuscan Village
    • Piping Plover Chicks of Two Different Ages
    • Color Banded Semipalmated Sandpiper
    • Chukars Everywhere by Kathryn Frieden
    • Boat Changes at Rye Harbor for 2018 by Jon Woolf
  • Field Trip Report
    • Early Tram to Cannon Summit, July 7, 2018 by Amanda Kallenbach
    • Lempster Town Forest and Ashuelot Headwaters Field Trip by Jack Swatt
  • Mississippi Kites Nesting in New Hampshire in 2018 by by Steve Mirick
  • Pied-billed Grebes Nesting in Dixville Notch by Lori Charron
  • How Should We Count the Barred Owls? by Kathryn Frieden
  • Backyard Birder – Why do some Scarlet Tanagers have orange feathers? by Brenda Sens
  • Birding in Randolph—“A Little Stretch of Nothing” by David Forsyth
  • Doves Near Ducks, What the Heck? – The Changing Taxonomic Order by Pamela Hunt
  • Photo Gallery – Watching Robins Grow! Photos by Jane Kelley
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2018 [Vol. 37 No. 1]

  • From the Editor
  • Chan Robbins: The First 25 Years by George Robbins
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2018 by Eric Masterson
  • The Great Grebe Fallout of April 2018 by Robert A. Quinn
  • Spring 2018 Field Notes compiled by Diana Talbot and Kathryn Frieden
    • Can You Find the Bird?
    • Sandhill Crane Visits the Bristol Police
    • The Concord Point Chukar
    • Nesting in the Snow
    • Eagle Trio at Nest by Chris Martin
    • Red-throated Loon at the Rochester WTP by Sam Stoddard
    • Dead Thick-billed Murres
    • Where’s Waldo?
    • Whip-poor-will at the Gardens by Rebecca Suomala
    • Banded Barn Swallow on Star Island by Diana Talbot
    • American Robin in Costume
    • Yellow-stained Downy Woodpecker in Ashland
    • Woodcock in Snow by Diana Talbot
    • Answer to “Where’s Waldo?”
  • Where to Bird in Epping by Greg Tilman
  • International Migratory Bird Day New Hampshire Style compiled by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • From Nest to the Air: The Origins of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 by Kurk Dorsey
  • Peregrine Falcons Killed in Separate Incidents by Diana Talbot
  • Corrections
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker (See the color photo quiz on the Back Cover!)

Winter 2017/2018 [Vol. 36 No. 4]

  • From the Editor
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 by Katherine Towler and Jim Sparrell
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary by David Deifik
  • 118#th Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • Fall 2017 Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden
    • Can You Find the Bird?
    • Yellow-rumped Warbler Lingers in Errol by Lori Charron
    • Fox Sparrow Banded and Recaptured 69 days later in Holderness by Iain MacLeod
    • Breeding Plumage American Goldfinch seen in Ashland in January by Iain MacLeod
    • Ruby-crowned Kinglets Overwinter by Diana Talbot and Rebecca Suomala
    • Yellow-throated Warbler “Migrates” from Odiorne to Seabrook by Kathryn Frieden
    • Seabrook Wastewater Treatment Plant is in New Hampshire! by Steve Mirick
    • Death of a Snowy Owl by Alexandra de Steiguer
    • Mystery Goose in Sunapee by Kathryn Frieden
    • “Cackling-ish” Goose by Chris Sheridan
    • Did You Find the Bird?
  • Sandhill Crane Overwinters in NH – the Continuing Adventures of “Kevin” of Rollinsford by Kathryn Frieden
  • Sometimes You Just Get Lucky – My Peterborough-Hancock CBC Experience of 2017 by Phil Brown
  • The 2017-2018 Red Crossbill Irruption in New Hampshire by Tim Spahr & Matthew A. Young
  • Twitchers Win the 2018 Townie Award! by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Mobbing by Brenda Sens
  • Where are the Chickadees? by Kiah Walker
  • Birding Green Road, Kingston: The Ordinary Extraordinary Back Road by Scott Heron
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report – Winter 2014-15 through Winter 2015-16

Fall 2017 [Vol. 36 No. 3]

  • From the Editor
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2017 by Ben Griffith
  • Fall 2017 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Western Wood-Pewee on Star Island! by Greg Tillman
  • Common Shelduck in New Hampshire by Ben Griffith
  • Fall 2017 Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden
    • Return of the Leucistic Chipping Sparrow by Dylan Jackson
    • One Bird Leads to Another – Birding by Behavior by Susan Wrisley
    • Peregrine Attack!
    • Wood Duck Who Thinks He’s a Mallard by Kathryn Frieden
    • Hermit Thrush Nests Two Feet Apart! by Phil Brown
    • Dark-eyed Junco with Wing Bars
    • Pondicherry Experiences Bombogenesis by Kathryn Frieden
    • Construction at the Exeter Wastewater Treatment Plant by Kathryn Frieden
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Alice Bemis Thompson Wildlife Sanctuary Big Sit by Phil Brown
    • Antioch Bird Club’s First Annual Fall Birdathon a Success by Chad Witko
    • Seabirds, Whales, and Ales! by Phil Brown
  • Where Were All the Birds? by Pam Hunt
  • Dublin Birding Areas by Tom Warren
  • The Case of an Injured Crane – and How to Handle Injured Birds by Kathryn Frieden
  • Volunteers and Research – You Can Help Advance Science by Reporting Bird Bands by Kathryn Frieden
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Summer 2017 [Vol. 36 No. 2]

  • New Hampshire Bird Records Volunteer Opportunities
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2017 by Chad Witko
  • Yellow-nosed Albatross on Little Seavey Island, Isles of Shoals, Better than Fireworks! by Elizabeth Ford and Taylor Ouellette
  • The Trials of the Mississippi Kite Family by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Summer 2017 Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden
    • A Tale of Two Ducks, or “Woodies vs. Hoodies” by Iain MacLeod
    • Broad-winged Hawk Feeds on Roadkill by Phil Brown
    • Adult Yellow-bellied Sapsucker with No Red on the Head by Robert Quinn
    • Red Crossbills on the Move by Phil Brown
    • Is it really a Cape May Warbler? by Erica Holm
  • Field Trip Reports
    • NH Audubon Pelagic Trip – Bowhead Whale! by Jon Woolf
    • North Country Nature Tour by Phil Brown
  • Bald Eagle and Osprey Conflicts by Iain MacLeod
  • Bald Eagle Population Recovery Success by Iain MacLeod and Chris Martin
  • One Hundred Years of Cerulean Warblers in New Hampshire by Pam Hunt
  • Backyard Birder – An Unusually Tall Eastern Phoebe Nest by Rebecca Suomala
  • Birding Pease International Tradeport – There’s an Osprey in the Ammo Dump! by Jon Woolf
  • Rusty Blackbird Research 2017 by Carol Foss
  • Volunteers and Research – Thirty Years of Change on a NH Breeding Bird Survey Route by Wendy Ward
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Spring 2017 [Vol. 36 No. 1]

  • From the Editor: Volunteer Opportunities
  • 2017 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Pamela Hunt
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2017 by Eric Masterson
  • Enjoying the Great Gray Owl Visit to Newport, NH by Dylan Jackson
  • Photo Gallery – The Great Gray Owl
  • Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
    • First Documented Nesting of Double-crested Cormorant in Inland New Hampshire by Iain MacLeod
    • Electrocuted Owls in Sandwich by Tony Vazzano
    • Osprey Nest Taken Over by Bald Eagles by Chris Martin
    • Successful Eagle Rehabilitation by Chris Martin
    • Rough-legged Hawk at Carcass
  • Field Trip Report
    • A Bike Trail at Dawn and Dusk, with a Twist by Pam Hunt
    • Surry Birdathon/Bloomathon by Wendy Ward
  • Birding Orford – a Habitat-rich Town in the Upper Valley by Jeff MacQueen
  • Bird-glass Collisions by Laura Deming
  • Yard Listing: The Fascination, the Anecdotes, and, the Numbers by Phil Brown
  • Backyard Birder – Wild Turkey Courtship by Brenda Sens
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Winter 2016/2017 [Vol. 35 No. 4]

  • From the Editor: Welcome Jim and Katherine
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 by Jim Sparrell and Katherine Towler
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary & Map by David B. Donsker
  • 117th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
    • Close Encounter with a Red-tailed Hawk by Katherine Towler
    • Bald Eagle Detective Work by Chris Martin
    • Double Barred Owl Sighting in Campton by Duane Cross
    • Northern Saw-whet Owl in Merrimack by Tom Young
    • Travels of a Young Peregrine Falcon by Steve Mirick
    • Red-throated Loon on Lake Sunapee
    • Snow Bunting Flock in Warren
  • Field Trip Report: Christmas Bird Count in the Snow by Scott Heron
  • Backyard Birder – The “Winter Phoebe” by Iain MacLeod
  • Birding the Lake Massabesic area by Jon Woolf and Jenna Pettipas
  • Photo Gallery – Offshore in December by Rebecca Suomala
  • Wood Duck “Intersex” by Christine Sheridan
  • Volunteers and Research – Reporting Bird Bands by Kathryn Frieden and Rebecca Suomala
  • Revision of New Hampshire’s Threatened and Endangered Species List by Pamela Hunt
  • Technology Series – Why are Detailed eBird Locations Important? by Rebecca Suomala
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report – Winter 2013-14 through Fall 2014
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Fall 2016 [Vol. 35 No. 3]

  • Rob Woodward Tries to Leave New Hampshire Behind
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2016 by Ben Griffith and Lauren Kras
  • Concord Nighthawk Migration Study – 2016 Update by Rob Woodward
  • Fall 2016 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Fall 2016 Field Notes compiled by Kathryn Frieden
    • Loon Freed From Fishing Line in Pittsburg by Tricia Lavallee
    • Osprey vs. Bald Eagle by Fran Keenan
    • Peregrine Patriarch in Lawrence, MA by Chris Martin
    • Long-eared Owl in Seabrook
    • Crossbill? – Not!
    • Two Saw-whet Owls at the McLane Center in Concord, NH by Rebecca Suomala
    • Injured Eastern Whip-poor-will
  • Field Trip Report
    • Adventure Birding by Dan Hubbard
    • Birds and Beer Wrap-Up by Paul Lacourse
    • The Birds and the Bees of Ponemah Bog by Phil Brown
  • White Wagtail Report
    • Discovering a White Wagtail by Josh Gahagan
    • A White Wagtail! by Katherine Towler
    • Joining in on the White Wagtail Fun by Jon Woolf
  • White Wagtail in Coastal New Hampshire – A First New Hampshire Record…and more by David B. Donsker
  • Volunteers and Research – A Plastic Diet: Is Our Plastic Addiction Ending Up in Our Seabirds? by Dr. Gabriela Bradt
  • Backyard Birder – Chukars – What Are They Doing in New Hampshire? by Brenda Sens
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Summer 2016 [Vol. 35 No. 2]

  • In Memory of Chandler S. Robbins
  • From the Editor – Welcome Chad Witko
  • New E-book – The Birds of Hinsdale Setbacks and Bluffs, New Hampshire by Hector Galbraith
  • New Resource for Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge by Joanne P. Jones
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2016 by Chad Witko
  • Summer 2016 Field Notes compiled by Rebecca Suomala and Kathryn Frieden
    • You Never Know When You’ll Get Your Next Yard Bird! by Pamela Hunt
    • Waterville Valley Merlin Triplets by Sharon Harvell
    • Nesting Kestrels by Alicha Kingsbury
    • Purple Martin from Connecticut visiting NH! by Pamela Hunt
    • Anting Birds
    • Warblers Begin Nesting Quickly
    • Chimney Swift with Worn Plumage
  • Field Trip Report – NH Audubon’s North Country Nature Tour by Phil Brown
  • Spotlight on Cory’s Shearwater by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Goldfinch Talk by David Killam
  • Backyard Birder – Cooper’s Hawk Fledglings by Kathryn Fieden
  • Birding Durham – Snack Stops Included by Kurk Dorsey and Robbie Prieto
  • Photo Gallery – Manchester’s Nesting Peregrine Falcons by Rebecca Suomala and Chris Martin
  • Common Nighthawk 2016 Nesting Season by Rebecca Suomala
  • Bayle Mountain – Bears, Bobcats and Nighthawks by Jane Kolias
  • Rusty Blackbird Project Summary 2016 by Carol Foss
  • Status of the Olive-sided Flycatcher in New Hampshire by Pamela Hunt
  • Research – Fifteen Years of Intimacy with the Canada Warbler in Canaan, NH by Len Reitsma
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report: Winter 2012-13 through Fall 2013
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2016 [Vol. 35 No. 1]

  • From the Editor
  • 2016 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Davis Finch
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2016 by Eric Masterson
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Rebecca Suomala and Kathryn Frieden
    • Nesting Turkey Vulture by Michael Harris
    • Raven Felony at Trudeau Road by Henry Walters
    • Raptor Attack at Pondicherry! by Jeanne-Marie Maher
    • Great Horned Owl Rescue by Chris Cummings
    • Confiding Black-capped Chickadee by Rob Woodward
    • Warblers Begin Nesting Quickly
    • Hunting Owl Video by Hunter Brooks
    • Lowe’s Ravens on Daniel Webster Highway in Nashua by Chris Sheridan
  • Discovering a New State Record!
    • Tufted Duck in Salem by Kyle Wilmarth
    • Sunday, March 13 was a Good Day! by Christopher McPherson
    • Mountain Bluebird! by Katrina Fenton
    • Eurasian Collared-Dove in East Kingston, May 25, 2016 by Davis W. Finch
  • Field Trip Report
    • Good Luck Chuck by Michael Pahl
    • Birdathon at Everett Dam Conservation Lands by Rob Woodward
  • Spotlight on Blue Grosbeak by David B. Donsker
  • Birding at Mink Brook in Hanover, NH by Adam Burnett
  • Backyard Birder – Hummingbird Courtship Behavior by Brenda Sens
  • The Next Ten . . . (or 13) New Species for the NH Bird Checklist by Iain MacLeod
  • Volunteers and Research – Birds and Adelgids by Jen Weimer
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report: Winter 2011-12 through Fall 2012
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2015-16 [Vol. 34, No. 4]

  • From the Editor
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 by Pamela Hunt
  • Field Trip Report – “December Mud Season,” Christmas Bird Count in Pittsburg and Errol, NH by Glen Chretien
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary & Map by David Deifik
  • 116th Christmas Bird Count Table by David Deifik
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Rebecca Suomala and Kathryn Frieden
    • Great Horned Owl Release by Terri Fratus
    • Site Fidelity of Wintering Gulls by Stephen Mirick
    • Whooper Swan on the NH Coast
  • 2016 Superbowl of Birding – A New Hampshire Compilation
  • Where are the Evening Grosbeaks? by Pamela Hunt
  • Photo Gallery – Gray Jays (and People!) at Deer Mountain Campground by Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Foot Quivering and Other Odd Behaviors of Hermit Thrushes by Brenda Sens
  • Birding in Hollis by Christopher McPherson
  • Owl Harassment by Rebecca Suomala and Kathryn Frieden
  • Snowy Owl Viewing – Observe without Disturbing from the NH Audubon website
  • Technology Series – Trail Cameras: They’re for the birds, not just deer hunters! by Eric Aldrich
  • Rare Birds Committee Report, Calendar year: 2012 by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2015 [Vol. 34, No. 3]

  • From the Editor
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2015 by Lauren Kras and Ben Griffith
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Rebecca Suomala and Kathryn Frieden
    • Color Banded Birds by Stephen Mirick
    • Late Cliff Swallow Fledging by Scott Heron
    • Berry-eating Coot
    • Leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • Fall 2015 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Concord Nighthawk Migration Study – 2015 Update by Rob Woodward
  • Powder Mill Pond – the Return of the Shorebirds by Eric Masterson
  • The Curious Case of Ruddy Ducks by Robert A. Quinn
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Star Island in September by Rebecca Suomala
    • Annual Hawk Migration Watch, Lebanon Airport by Blake Allison
  • Shorebird Identification by Stephen Mirick
  • Spring and Fall Migrations of the Races of Palm Warbler through New England by Hector Galbraith, Chris Rimmer, Steve Faccio, and Trevor Lloyd-Evans
  • Birding New Hampshire’s Lake Sunapee by Dylan Jackson
  • Research – Does a Reduction in Caterpillars Caused by Exotic Shrubs Lower the Reproductive Success of Common Yellowthroats? by Matt Tarr
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections Winter 2012-13, Spring 2013

Summer 2015 [Vol. 34, No. 2]

  • From the Editor
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2016 by Tony Vazzano
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Rebecca Suomala
    • Northern Gannet on Hampton Beach
    • Gray Jays Panhandlingt
    • Merlin Chick Rescue by Scott Heron and Rebecca Suomala
    • Eastern Screech-Owl Chicks at Ponemah Bog
    • Summer is Baby Bird Time
  • Spotlight on Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Backyard Birder – Cross-Species Feeding Among Birds by Brenda Sens
  • Birding While Kayaking – Hampton Harbor by Scott Heron
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Birding in the Connecticut River’s Upper Valley by Blake Allison
    • Capital Area Chapter Walk in Concord, July 2015 by Robert A. Quinn
  • Common Nighthawk 2015 Nesting Season by Rebecca Suomala
  • Have You Seen a Twigger? by Robert A. Quinn
  • Birding Notes from the 1930s by Sandy Turner
  • Cuckoo Mysteries – A Partial Explanation by Robert A. Quinn
  • Old Bird Names – A Fun Quiz by Robert A. Quinn
  • Research – Identifying Hybrid Saltmarsh-Nelson’s Sparrows – Appearances Aren’t Everything by Jennifer Walsh & Adrienne Kovach
  • Nest Finding in Concord by Rob Woodward
  • Photo Gallery – Nesting Least Terns and Piping Plovers
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections

Spring 2015 [Vol. 34, No. 1]

  • From the Editor
  • 2015 Goodhue-Elkins Award – David Donsker
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2015 by Eric Masterson
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Dancing Woodcocks by Brynlee Kimball
    • Connecticut River Waterfowl Safari by Phil Brown
    • Birds and Whales by Steve Mirick
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Sign of Snowy Owl Predation by Eric Masterson
    • Raven Behavior by Mary Wright
    • Yellow-throated Vireo Nest by Robert A. Quinn
    • The “Black Swallows” of Nashua, NH By Christine Sheridan
    • Great Black-backed Gull Versus American Eel/Lamprey
  • Birdathon/Bloomathon 2015 by Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Bluebird Mortality by Iain MacLeod
  • Warbler World . . . Birding Old Cherry Mountain Road by Charlie Nims
  • Osprey Satellite Tagging by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Essay: Herring Gull Plumage by Jon Woolf
  • Volunteers and Research – How to Count Birds by Rebecca Suomala
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2014-15 [Vol. 33, No. 4]

  • From the Editor
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015 by Pam Hunt
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2014-15 by David Deifik
  • 115th Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • Field Trip Report – My First Christmas Bird Count Experience by Robbie Prieto
  • Smith’s Longspur in New Hampshire by Tony Vazzano
  • Gyrfalcon Alert! by Stephen Mirick
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Rockingham Bald Eagle by Scott Heron
    • Six Woodpeckers at Once! by George Robbins
    • Barred Owl Visitor by Connie McDade
    • Peregrine Courtship – Nashuans Look UP! By Christine Sheridan
    • Northern Goshawk Preys on Wild Turkey by Valerie Walters
    • Owl versus Crow by Iain MacLeod
    • Crabapple Tree Visitors by Robert A. Quinn
  • Technology Series – New Mega-zoom Cameras by Iain MacLeod
  • Backyard Birder – Northern Saw-whet Owls by Theresa Kiley and Kate Hartnett
  • Superbowl of Birding XII with the “Twitchers in the Rye” by Pam Hunt
  • Winter Birding in Manchester, NH by Rebecca Suomala and Zeke Cornell
  • Volunteers and Research – Emerald Ash Borer, What You Need to Know and How Birders Can Help by Phil Brown, Molly Heuss, and Steve Roberge
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2014 (Vol. 33, No. 3)

  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2014 by Lauren Kras and Ben Griffith
  • Concord Nighthawk Migration Study – 2014 Update by Rob Woodward
  • Field Trip Report – Concord Sparrow Field Trip by Rob Woodward
  • Fall 2014 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • The Life and Death of a Roseate Tern by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Backyard Birder – What is That Strange Bird? Leucism in Birds by Aiden Moser
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Eagle with Lamprey by Chris Sheridan
    • Piper-thon by Evy Nathan
    • Black-billed Cuckoo Flight by Stephen R. Mirick
    • Yellow-rumped Warbler Flight by Stephen R. Mirick
    • Following the Flight of a New England Sandhill Crane Flock
  • Birding the Lake Umbagog Region – Part 1 by Robert A. Quinn and Phil Brown
  • Technology Series – Recent Upgrades in eBird Submission – What’s a Complete Checklist? by Kent McFarland
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Summer 2014 (Vol. 33, No. 2)

  • From the Editor Volunteer Update
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2014 by Tony Vazzano
  • Summer 2014 Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Moore Dam Eagles Identified by Chris Martin
    • Owlet in Prout Park, Manchester by Colleen Baxter
    • Blueberry Island Eagle Rehabilitated by Chris Martin
    • Boreal Chickadee Nest at Jefferson Notch by Mark Suomala
    • Cormorant and Eel Struggle
  • No Routine Year for Manchester’s Peregrine Falcons by Chris Martin
  • Common Nighthawk 2014 Summary by Rebecca Suomala
  • Breeding Least Bitterns at World End Pond by Kyle Wilmarth and Amanda Altena
  • Purple Martins on the Seacoast by Dennis Skillman
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Harriers Hike in the White Mountains by Aiden Moser
    • Canoe Birding on the Merrimack River by Robert A. Quinn
  • Spotlight on Sandhill Crane by Pamela Hunt
  • Backyard Birder – Great Blue Heron Hunting Methods by Brenda Sens
  • Birding NH Audubon’s dePierrefeu-Willard Pond Wildlife Sanctuary by Phil Brown
  • The View from a Log – A Great Horned Owl Nest by Ellen Kenny
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2014 (Vol. 33, No. 1)

  • From the Editor by Rebecca Suomala
  • 2014 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Allan Keith and Robert Fox
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2014 by Eric Masterson
  • The Inland White-winged Scoter Flight of May 2014 by Robert A. Quinn
  • Beyond the Sandhill Crane: Birding Hidden Towns of Northwestern Grafton County by Sandy and Mark Turner, with Phil Brown
  • Backyard Birder – Waggle Dance of the Woodpeckers by Brenda Sens (watch the dance on youtube)
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Screech-Owl Entangled in Fishing Line by Jane Wing
    • Red-throated Loon Drops in for a Visit to the Lilac City by Dan Hubbard
    • Merlin Dines on Cape May Warbler! by Iain MacLeod
    • Odd Tanagers by Rebecca Suomala
    • Lincoln’s Sparrow with an Identity Crisis? by Dan Hubbard
    • NH Bald Eagle Settles in Vermont by Chris Martin
    • Breeding Season Starts Early for NH Bald Eagles by Chris Martin
    • Golden Eagle in Boscawen by Jen Esten
    • “Northern” Common Eider by Stephen R. Mirick
    • Banded Gull by L. William Clark
    • American Bittern Swimming!
  • A Tale of Two Waterthrushes by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Centennial Birdathon/Bloomathon a Resounding Success! by Phil Brown and Ruth Smith
  • Field Trip Report – Pickering Ponds by Dan Hubbard
  • Photo Gallery – Warbler Fallout at Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge by Phil Brown
  • Volunteers and Research – Olive-sided Flycatcher Blitz by Pam Hunt
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2013/2014 (Vol. 32, NO. 4)

  • From the Editor by Rebecca Suomala
  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2013 through February 28, 2014 by Pam Hunt
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2013-14 by David Deifik
  • 114th Christmas Bird Count Map and Table
  • Photo Gallery – Snowy Owl Extravaganza
  • Field Trip Report – Winter Offshore, Dovekies! by Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Barred Owls at Your Feeder by Brenda Sens
  • Field Notes compiled compiled by Jane Wing
    • What’s on the Snowy Owl Menu this Winter? by Brian Cassie
    • Gyrfalcon Kleptoparasitizes a Peregrine Falcon by Ben Griffith
    • Downed Red-necked Grebe by Jane Hills
  • Winter Birding in Urban Nashua – Beyond House Sparrow, Rock Pigeon and European Starling by Christine Sheridan
  • Superbowl of Birding Adventures with the “Twitchers in the Rye” by Pam Hunt
  • Volunteers and Research – Counting on Birds, the Christmas Bird Count by Rebecca Suomala
  • Birding World End Pond & Other Salem Hotspots by Kyle Wilmarth
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2013 (Vol. 32, No. 3)

  • From the Editor – Volunteer Update
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2013 by Ben Griffith and Lauren Kras
  • Fall 2013 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Hawkwatchers at Work by Phil Brown
  • Field Trip Report – Fall Warbler Walk at the Freedom Town Forest by Tony Vazzano
  • Fall 2013 Field Notes compiled by Jane Wing and Rebecca Suomala
    • Comparing Short-billed and Long-billed Dowitcher by Steve Mirick
    • Ruby-throated Hummingbird Attends Lunch by Donna Ellis
    • Scavenging Red-tailed Hawk by Steve Mirick
    • Late Barred Owl Fledgling by Jane Wing
    • Spruce Grouse Dust Bathing by Robert A. Quinn
  • Concord November Challenge Sets New Record! by Pam Hunt
  • Spotlight on White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) by Steve Mirick
  • Backyard Birder – Insect-eating Birds Eat Berries by Brenda Sens
  • Birding World End Pond & Other Salem Hotspots by Kyle Wilmarth
  • Volunteers and Research – Concord Nighthawk Migration Study by Rob Woodward and Zeke Cornell
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Summer 2013 (Vol. 32, No. 2)

  • From the Editor – Volunteer Update
  • New Reference – The Birds of New Hampshire
  • 2013 Goodhue-Elkins Award Recipient – Susan Fogleman
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2014 by Tony Vazzano
  • Field Notes compiled by Rebecca Suomala
    • Banded American Pipit on Mt. Washington by Pam Hunt
    • Osprey Nest in Concord, NH by Chris Martin
    • Red-breasted Nuthatch at Woodpecker Nest by Rebecca Suomala
    • Bald Eagle with Radio-transmitter Reappears in Boscawen by Chris Martin
    • Nighthawk in a Building? by Rebecca Suomala
  • Black-backed Woodpecker Nest in Bethlehem compiled by Rebecca Suomala
  • Photo Gallery – Purple Martin Nest in Seabrook
  • Forty Years of New Hampshire Birds at an Elevated Locale by Robert I. Rotberg
  • The Birds of New Hampshire, Sandhill Crane by Allan Keith and Robert Fox
  • Birding in the White Mountains in June and July by Mark Suomala
  • Technology Series – BirdLog by Ben Griffith
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report 2011 – Part 2
  • The Next New Hampshire Breeders by Pam Hunt
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2013 (Vol. 32, No. 1)

  • From the Editor – Welcome to a New Look!
  • New Guide to New Hampshire Birding by Eric Masterson
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2013 by Eric Masterson
  • The Connecticut River Valley – Vernon Dam and Hinsdale Setbacks by Eric Masterson
  • Fallout!! May, 2013 by Tony Vazzano
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2013 by Ben Griffith and Lauren Kras
  • Inland Spring Red-throated Loons by Robert A. Quinn
  • Field Notes compiled by Robert A. Quinn and Rebecca Suomala
    • Red-shouldered Hawks in Brentwood NH Peregrine Falcon Found After 12 Years by Chris Martin
    • Peregrine Falcon versus Blue Jay by Hector Galbraith
    • Red-headed Woodpecker in a Chimney by Rebecca Suomala
    • Owl went a Froggin’ by Tony Vazzano
    • Bald Eagle versus River Otter by Bob Quinn
  • NH Audubon 2013 Birdathon Results by Phil Brown
  • Backyard Birder – An American Woodcock at the Back Door by Brenda Sens
  • Photo Gallery – Hummingbirds in the Snow by Betsy Fraser
  • Field Trip Reports
    • Memorable Star Island Trip: The Fallout of May 24, 2013 by Robert A. Quinn and Phil Brown
    • Pickering Ponds and Rochester Wastewater Treatment Plant by Dan Hubbard
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report 2011 – Part 1
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2012-13 (Vol. 31, No. 4)

  • Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013 by Pam Hunt
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2012-13 by David Deifik
  • 113th Christmas Bird Count Table and Map
  • Field Notes compiled by Robert A. Quinn and Rebecca Suomala
    • Snowy Owl Sighting at UNH by Hanna Petersen
    • Manchester Peregrine Falcon Pair Identified by Chris Martin
    • Bald Eagle Family Tree by Chris Martin
    • American Coot on Lake Winnipesauke by Wendy Chatel
    • Extreme Tidal Currents Encourage Rapacious Birds by Steve Mirick
    • Why Birds Sing in the Middle of Winter by R.A. Quinn
  • Canvasbacks in Winter, Why “Cans” Can, and Do (Migrate) by Robert A. Quinn and Eric Masterson
  • Photo Gallery – Snow Angels by Brenda Sens
  • Spotlight on “Winter” Warblers by Lauren A. Kras and Benjamin Griffith
  • Backyard Birder – Sword-billed Nuthatch by Brenda Sens
  • Birding Lake Winnipesaukee and Lake Winnisquam by Iain MacLeod
  • Big Year for Concord, NH and Big Year History by Pamela Hunt and Robert A. Quinn
  • Volunteers and Research – Reporting Banded Birds by Jon Woolf
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2012 (Vol 31, No. 3)

  • From the Editor – Volunteer Update
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2012 by Ben Griffith and Lauren Kras
  • Spotlight on Cave Swallow by Zeke Cornell
  • Backyard Birder – A Special October Hummingbird by Leslie Bergum
  • Birding the East Conway Fields by Bob Crowley
  • Fall 2012 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Satellite Tracking Reveals Remarkable Journey of a Young Osprey by Iain MacLeod
  • Say’s Phoebe in New Hampshire, A State First by Chris K. Borg
  • Diary of a Drawdown by Eric Masterson
  • Field Notes
    • Horned Grebe “Staging Area” on Lake Winnipesaukee by Iain MacLeod
    • The Perils of Vagrancy
    • Cave Swallow for Lunch by Rich Frechette
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Summer 2012 (Vol 31, No. 2)

  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2012 by Tony Vazzano
  • Volunteers and Research – MAPS Returns to Massabesic by Jay Barry
  • Spotlight on the Breeding Shorebirds of New Hampshire by Benjamin Griffith
  • Birding Mount Kearsarge by Robert A. Quinn
  • Backpack Birder – Dustbathing by a Male Spruce Grouse by Chris K. Borg
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn and R. Suomala
  • Kestrel Want a Cracker? – More Messing with the Order of Things by Pam Hunt
  • Common Nighthawk 2012 Breeding Season Summary by Rebecca Suomala and Jane Kolias
  • Field Trip Report – Mount Sunapee in Search of Boreal Birds by Rebecca Suomala
  • New Hampshire’s Summer 2012 Fox Sparrows by Will Lewis and Pam Hunt
  • Confronting the Challenges Facing Squam Lake’s Common Loons by Tiffany Grade
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report 2010
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2012 (Vol 31, No. 1)

  • Blackbird’s Return by David Killam
  • 2012 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Roger Lawrence
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2012 by Eric Masterson and Iain MacLeod
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn
    • A Wonderful Surprise Discovered in a Duck Nest Box as told by Lillian Stokes
    • How the Purple Sandpiper got its Name by Robert A. Quinn
    • Chimney Swift: The Fascinating Will-o-the-wisp of Urban Areas by Robert A. Quinn
    • Dancing Sandhill Cranes in New Hampshire! by Ben Griffith
    • NH-born Falcon Set New England Record for Breeding Dispersal by Chris Martin
  • Photo Gallery – Highlights from Star Island
  • New Hampshire Audubon’s 2012 Birdathon Results by Phil Brown
  • International Migratory Bird Day at Pondicherry NWR by David Govatski
  • The Story of Waumbek Junction at Pondicherry NWR by Joanne P. Jones
  • Birding Peterborough and Hancock Conservation Lands by Rich Frechette
  • Four Hills Landfill by Eric Masterson
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report 2009

Winter 2011/2012 (Vol 30, No. 4)

  • Volunteer Update and Thank You to Donors
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2011 through February 28, 2012 by Pam Hunt
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2011-2012 by David Deifik
  • 112th Christmas Bird Count Table & Map
  • 2011 Isles of Shoals Christmas Bird Count by Ben Griffith
  • Backyard Birder – Do Birds Have Teeth? by Brenda Sens
  • A “Superbowl” Strategy for Coastal Birding by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn and Rebecca Suomala
    • Dovekie versus Red-tailed Hawk by Cliff Otto
    • Young Hawks Can’t be Fussy by Dan Hubbard
    • My Wintering Ovenbird by Barb Horton
  • Photo Gallery – A Snowy Owl Winter by Iain MacLeod
  • Volunteers and Research – A Surprising Late-Winter Eagle Watch by Rebecca Suomala
  • Satellite Tracking Answers Questions about NH Raptors by Iain MacLeod and Chris Martin
  • Birding by (smart) Phone by Jon Woolf
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections

Fall 2011 (Vol 30, No. 2)

  • From the Editor
  • 2011 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Stephen R. Mirick
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2011 by Marshall Iliff
  • Hurricane Irene, August 2011 by Marshall Iliff
  • The 2011 October Coastal Fallout by Marshall Iliff
  • Spotlight on American Avocet by Benjamin Griffith
  • Backyard Birder – Late Nesting Black-capped Chickadee by Betsy Forsham and Rebecca Suomala
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn and Rebecca Suomala
    • Lunar Migration Watch by Iain MacLeod
    • Selasphorus Hummingbird and the Halloween Snow Storm of 2011 by Elaine Danienska
    • Color-banded Semipalmated Plover
  • Photo Gallery – Hurricane Irene Storm-birding
  • Fall 2011 New Hampshire Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Volunteers and Research – Hawkwatching at Carter Hill by Dave Howe

Summer 2011 (Vol 30, No. 2)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2011 by Tony Vazzano
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in New Hampshire by Stephen R. Mirick
  • New Hampshire’s 2011 Breeding Bald Eagles by Chris Martin
  • Birding Freedom Town Forest by Andrea and George Robbins
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn
    • A Roseate Tern Banded in the United Kingdom Visits New Hampshire by Robert A. Quinn
    • The “Runt” of the Litter Proves his Genes are Strong by Chris Martin
    • An American Kestral Banded in Maryland Nests in Manchester by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Common Nighthawk Nests in 2011 by Rebecca Suomala and Jane Kolias
  • Volunteers and Research – Gulls, Gulls, Gulls…They’re Everywhere by L. William Clark
  • NHBirds E-mail List by Stephen R. Mirick
  • A Shrub Full of Warblers and Other Taxonomic Stories by Pamela Hunt
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections

Spring 2011 (Vol 30, No. 1)

  • From the Editor – Welcome New Spring Editors
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Spring Season: 3/1/2011 through 3/21/2011 by Ben Griffith, Lauren Kras, and Eric Masterson
  • Hawks Galore! by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Forget the Whales, Watch (out for) the Birds! by Jon Woolf
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn
    • The Will to Survive by Christine Sheridan
    • Banded Tern Along the Connecticut River by Eric Masterson
    • Red-breasted Merganser Foraging in a Cornfield by Robert A. Quinn
  • New Hampshire Audubon’s 2011 Birdathon Highlights by Phil Brown
  • My First Birdathon by Aiden Moser
  • Birding New Hampshire’s Largest State Park – Pisgah by Ken Klapper
  • Backyard Birder– The Confused Bodyguard by George W. Gavutis, Jr.

Winter 2010-11 (Vol. 29, No. 4)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: 12/1/2010 through 2/28/2011 by Pamela Hunt
  • Spotlight on Northern Fulmar by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Field Notes compiled by R.A. Quinn
  • Photo Gallery – Peregrine Falcons in Downtown Nashua by Chris Martin, photos by Deanne Fortnam
  • A “Superbowl” Strategy for Winter Birding in Interior Rockingham County by Phil Brown
  • Superbowl of Birding with the “Twitchers in the Rye” by Pam Hunt and Rebecca Suomala
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2010-2011 by David Deifik
  • 111th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • The Isles of Shoals Christmas Bird Count by Benjamin Griffith
  • NH eBird – Rare Sightings by Stephen R. Mirick and Rebecca Suomala

Fall 2010 (Vol. 29, No. 3)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2010 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Field Notes
  • Using eBird to Find When and Where a Species Occurs by Steve Mirick
  • Volunteers and Research – Introduction to by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Cave Swallows in November
  • Musings from Pack Monadnock’s Hawkwatch by Iain MacLeod
  • Spotlight on Orange-crowned Warbler by Robert A. Quinn
  • Herring and Seabirds: Prey to Industrialized Fishing by Greg Wells
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections

Summer 2010 (Vol. 29, No. 2)

  • From the Editor – NH eBird, Mapping Locations
  • 2010 Goodhue-Elkins Award
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2010 by Tony Vazzano
  • Field Notes – Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, and Rusty Blackbirds in 2010
  • Spotlight on Palm Warbler by Pamela Hunt
  • Birding Evans Mountain in Strafford, NH by Scott Young
  • Photo Gallery – Jump Day
  • Charles Goodhue and Kimball Elkins by Robert A. Quinn
  • The New Hampshire State Bird List by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Ospreys in the Lakes Region by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Spring 2010 (Vol. 29, No. 1)

  • “New Hampshire State of the Birds” Report Released by Pam Hunt
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2010 by Pam Hunt
  • Field Note – White-faced Ibis Chase by Len Medlock
  • Spotlight on Royal Tern by Lauren A. Kras and Benjamin Griffith
  • NH Audubon’s Birdathon Highlights by Phil Brown
  • Gulls, Garbage, and Drinking Water – Understanding the Connection by Dan Clark
  • Backyard Birder – Dealing with an Injured Bird by Brenda Sens
  • Birding Newmarket’s Newest Wildlife Sanctuaries: “Smith Sisters” and “Kwaks” by Phil Brown
  • Photo Gallery – Mew Gull in Exeter by Steve Mirick
  • Pondicherry Celebrates Ten Years of International Migratory Bird Day by David Govatski
  • Birding and the Law by Eric Masterson
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2009/2010 (Vol. 28, No. 4)

  • Thank You to Donors
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2009 through January 31, 2010 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2008-2009 by David Deifik
  • 110th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Christmas Bird Count Map A Western Fox Sparrow in New Hampshire –click HERE to purchase as a pdf. by Marshall J. Iliff and Louis R. Bevier
  • “Why don’t I do it?” by Lauren A. Kras
  • The First Red Crossbill Call Types 1, 2, 3, and 10 in New Hampshire by Matthew A. Young
  • Birding Southwest Park/Yudicky Farm, Nashua by Chris Sheridan
  • Photo Gallery – Winter Pelagic Boat Trips by Eric Masterson
  • Volunteers and Research – Binoculars For Haiti by Cliff Seifer
  • Tudor Richards and the Winter of 2009-2010 by Robert A. Quinn
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Fall 2009 (Vol. 28, No. 3)

  • Fall 2009, August 1-November 30, 2009 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Fall 2009 Raptor Migration Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Spotlight on Sabine’s Gull by Michael Harvey
  • Fall Migration on the Monadnock Region’s Lakes and Ponds by Phil Brown
  • Photo Gallery – Stranded on the Flats with a Godwit by Len Medlock
  • Fall Departure Dates for Solitary Sandpiper and Spotted Sandpiper by Robert A. Quinn
  • Volunteers and Research – Monitoring Nighthawk Migration in NH by Lance Tanino
  • Tudor Richards and the Fall of 2009 by Robert A. Quinn

Summer 2009 (Vol. 28, No. 2)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2009 by Tony Vazzano
  • Common Loon 2009 Summary by John Cooley, Jr. and Harry Vogel
  • Peregrine Falcons – A Moving Experience
  • Spotlight on Long-tailed Jaeger by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Tudor Richards Legacy: Summer 2009 by Robert A. Quinn and Rob Woodward
  • Where are all the Swallows? by Pamela Hunt
  • Squam Lake Area Birding by Tony Vazzano and Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Gull Bonanza at Hampton Harbor
  • Volunteers and Research – Nighthawks and Whip-poor-wills in NH by Rebecca Suomala and Pamela Hunt
  • Technology Series – An Overview of Digiscoping by Leonard Medlock
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report
  • A Chance Encounter: Red-billed Tropicbird seen flying by Lunging Island

Spring 2009 (Vol. 28, No. 1)

  • In Memory of Tudor Richards
  • From the Editor – Announcing NH eBird
  • 2009 Goodhue-Elkins Award
  • Photo Quiz
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31 2009 by Pam Hunt
  • New Hampshire eBird and New Hampshire Bird Records by Marshall J. Iliff and Rebecca Suomala
  • Tudor Richards – The Legacy of a Remarkable Birder by Robert A. Quinn
  • Spotlight on Merlin by Iain MacLeod
  • Birding Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge by Phil Brown
  • Photo Gallery – A Rare Visitor: Great Gray Owl in Durham by Marshall J. Iliff and Rebecca Suomala
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

Winter 2008-2009 (Vol. 27, No. 4)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2008–2009 by David Deifik
  • 109th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • Big Year Fundraiser 2008 by Terry Bronson
  • Big Year Walkabout 2008 by Pam Hunt
  • Spotlight on Irruptive Finches in the Winter of 2008-09 by Pam Hunt
  • Backyard Birder – Redpoll Irruption and Birder Invasion by Tony Vazzano
  • Volunteers and Research – Winter Raptor Surveys in New Hampshire by Lance Tanino and Terry Bronson
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Winter Birding in Berlin and Points North by Kathy Dube
  • Photo Gallery – A Snowy Owl Winter by Steve Mirick

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records with its color cover is sponsored by the Woolf Family, in memory of Andy and Karen Woolf. Andy and Karen were life-long birders and conservationists, and strongly supportive of New Hampshire Audubon’s mission to preserve wild lands and wildlife.

Fall 2008 (Vol. 27, No. 3)

  • From the Editor – Help the Birds by Drinking “Bird Friendly” Coffee
  • Photo Quiz
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2008 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Raptor Migration in New Hampshire by Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza and Julie Tilden
  • Spotlight on Caspian Tern by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Photo Gallery – A Visit to New Hampshire’s Tern Colony
  • Birding Powder House Pond in Exeter by Leonard Medlock
  • Volunteers and Research – Waterbird Surveys at Powwow Pond by Pam Hunt
  • Photo Gallery – Tri-State Pelagic Birding Trip by Jon Woolf
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records with its color cover is sponsored by John and Julie Bassi in memory of her mother, Julie Chapin. Julie took great pleasure in her volunteer work at NH Audubon. She loved birding, most often during walks in the woods or peering out her kitchen window at her abundant bird feeders. She shared her passion for birds with her children and grandchildren.

Summer 2008 (Volume 27, No. 2)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2008 by Tony Vazzano
  • Mississippi Kites in New Hampshire by David B. Donsker
  • Breeding Season Monitoring 2008
    • Common Loon
    • Osprey
    • Bald Eagle
    • Peregrine Falcon
    • Common Nighthawk
    • Whip-poor-will
    • Rusty Blackbird
  • Fledgling Vocalizations of New England Landbirds by Hope Batcheller
  • Photo Gallery – A Visit to New Hampshire’s Tern Colony by Jon Woolf
  • Backyard Birder – Powder Down by Brenda Sens
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records with its color cover is sponsored by Pat Niswander in memory of her brother, Herb Damon, avid birder, farmer, forester, and all-around conservationist.

Spring 2008 (Volume 27, No. 1)

  • From the Editor
  • 2008 Goodhue–Elkins Award – Kay Dyment
  • Photo Quiz
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2008 by Pam Hunt
  • Diurnal Migration along the New Hampshire Coast by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Spotlight on Northern Hawk Owl by Robert Fox
  • Backyard Birder – Blue Jay Behavior by Brenda Sens
  • Photo Gallery – Bird Nest Boxes by Jon Woolf
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records with its color cover is sponsored by the family and friends of Patricia Bruns. Patricia was a strong supporter of NH Audubon, serving as Executive Councilor throughout the 1970s, and sustaining a deep interest in birds and conservation.

Winter 2007-08 (Volume 26, No. 4)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2007 through February 29, 2008 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2007–2008 by David Deifik
  • 108th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • Spotlight on Lesser Black-backed Gull by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Backyard Birder – An Owl in My Backyard by Helen Downing
  • Birding Great and Little Bays by Stephen R. Mirick and Terry Bronson
  • Photo Gallery – Gulls of the Rochester Wastewater Treatment Plant by Kathie Palfy
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report
  • Photo Quiz – Redpoll Identification Clinic by David Donsker

The friends and family of Peggy Damon have sponsored this issue of New Hampshire Bird Records in her honor. Peggy’s binoculars were always within reach and she was an enthusiastic contributor to this publication and New Hampshire Audubon bird conservation projects for many years.

Fall 2007 (Vol. 26, No. 3)

  • From the Editor
  • Photo Quiz
  • Fall Season : August 1 through November, 2007 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Photo Gallery – “Ship Ahoy” by Jon Woolf
  • Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Fall 2007 Report by Lance Tanino
  • Volunteers and Research – The Hummer/Bird Study Group by Liz Burton
  • Spotlight on Great Gray Owl by Robert Fox
  • Backyard Birder – Sunning Birds by Brenda Sens
  • Twenty-Five Years of New Hampshire Birding by Alan Delorey
  • Birding the Old-Fashioned Way! by Nicole Murphy
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records is sponsored by Jeannine Ayer in memory of her husband. Bill was a long time member of New Hampshire Audubon. He loved the birds and kept the feeders stocked every day no matter what the weather. He is greatly missed by all.

Summer 2007 (Volume 26, No. 2)

  • From the Editor
  • Summer 2006 Correction – Stilt Sandpiper Graph
  • Photo Quiz
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2007 by Tony Vazzano
  • 2007 Common Loon Monitoring Results by John Cooley
  • 2007 Bald Eagle Breeding Season Summary by Chris Martin
  • 2007 Peregrine Falcon Breeding Season Summary by Chris Martin
  • Upland Sandpiper Status at Pease International Tradeport 2006 and 2007 by Diane De Luca
  • The Great Ossipee Whip-poor-will Round-up by Pamela Hunt
  • Project Nighthawk Summary by Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Northern Goshawk Story by Nicole Murphy
  • Photo Gallery – My Summer of the Common Nighthawk by Kathy Palfy
  • Birding Concord’s Lakes, Ponds, Marshes, Fields and Woodlands by Robert A. Quinn
  • Volunteers and Research by Liz Burton
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Summer Rarity at New Hampshire Audubon by Kathie Palfy

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, is sponsored by Carol Foss.  It is dedicted to Sally Sutcliffe, in honor of her friendship and her contributions to bird conservation in New Hampshire through her work as New Hampshire Audubon’s Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator.

(return to index of previous issues)

Spring 2007 (Volume 26, No. 1)

  • Photo Quiz
  • 2007 Goodhue-Elkins Award – Sandy Turner
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2007 by Pamela Hunt
  • The 2007 Fox Sparrow Fallout by Terry Bronson
  • Backyard Birder — Wild Turkey Behavior by Peter Stettenheim
  • Spring Birding in Southwestern New Hampshire: Swanzey, Keene and Surry by Lance Tanino
  • Photo Gallery – Spring on Squam Lake by Kathy Palfy, photos by Joe Kabat
  • Northern Goshawk Research in New Hampshire by Chris Costello and Mariko Yamasaki
  • Spring Arrival Dates Revisited by Pam Hunt
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, is sponsored by Sheila and Joseph Kabat in honor of their grandchildren: Delaney, Harrison and Jared who are learning to know and enjoy the birds of the Squam Lakes.

Winter 2006-07 (Volume 25, No. 3)

  • From the Editor – New timeline for New Hampshire Bird Records
  • Donor Thank You
  • Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2006–2007 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • 107 th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Lake Winnipesaukee Loon Stranding by John Cooley
  • Photo Gallery – Dovekie, A Christmas Treat
  • A History of New Hampshire’s Published Bird Sightings by Jim Berry and Rebecca Suomala
  • Spotlight on Spruce Grouse by Mark Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Snowflake-catching Bohemian Waxwings by David Mills
  • Winter Birding at Pickering Ponds by Dan Hubbard
  • Research – Effects of Wind Power Installations on Birds by Stephen R. Hale
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Two Second State Records! by Kathie Palfy

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by the friends and family of Bob Vernon, who was a longtime bird reporter and volunteer for this publication.

(return to index of previous issues)

Fall 2006 (Volume 25, No. 3)

  • From the Editor – 25 Years of New Hampshire Bird Records
  • New Photo Quiz
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2006 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • The Fall 2006 Hawk Flight by Susan Fogleman
  • Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory 2006 Report by Iain MacLeod
  • Western Reef-Heron in New Hampshire by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Spotlight on Kentucky Warbler by Robert Fox
  • Backpack Birder – Skydance of the American Pipit by David Govatski
  • Birding Along the Merrimack River in Concord by Robert A. Quinn
  • Photo Gallery – Western Reef-Heron
  • Volunteers and Research – Shorebird Use of Hampton Marsh by Peter McKinley
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • A Spectacular Fall Season – Fork-tailed Flycatcher and Northern Wheatear

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by Betsy Janeway in honor of Carol Foss, for her extraordinary contributions to field research, her inspiration, and her friendship.

(return to index of previous issues)

Summer 2006 (Volume 25, No. 2)

  • From the Editor – Thank You, Bob Vernon
  • New Photo Quiz
  • Summer Season: June 1 through July 31, 2006 by Tony Vazzano
  • Grasshopper Sparrow Breeding Season Monitoring by Pamela Hunt
  • 2006 Common Loon Field Season Overview by John Cooley
  • New Hampshire ’s 2006 Raptor Breeding Summary by Chris Martin
  • Photo Gallery: Partnerships – Ospreys and Power Poles by Chris Martin
  • Volunteers and Research – Monitoring Nightjars in the Northeast by Pam Hunt and Liz Burton
  • Spotlight on Stilt Sandpiper by Eric Masterson
  • The Connecticut River Birding Trail by Bill Taffe
  • Backyard Birder – Four Bird Species on a Raft by Tudor Richards and Brenda Sens
  • Concord Bird List and Quiz by Robert A. Quinn
  • NH Rare Birds Committee Report – Part 2
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Close Encounters – Babies, Babies, Everywhere! by Kathie Palfy

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by David Donsker. It is dedicated to his father, Stanley Donsker, who amongst many other things, inspired him to observe and enjoy the natural world.

Spring 2006 (Volume 25, No. 1)

  • From the Editor – New Hampshire Bird Records 25th Year!
  • New Photo Quiz
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2006 by Pamela Hunt
  • Photo Gallery – N. Saw-whet Owl in Downtown Concord by Kathie Palfy
  • Spotlight on Northern Wheatear by Bob Fox
  • Backyard Birder – Suet Feeder Attracts an Unusual Bird by Brenda Sens
  • Birding the Brentwood Mitigation Area by Terry Bronson
  • Volunteers and Research – Keeping Track of Hummingbirds by Sharon Stichter
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report—Part 1
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • A Chance Encounter – Phalarope Fallout, Take Two!

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by Pat Niswander in honor of her family, all of whom enjoy nature as much as she does.

Winter 2005-06 (Volume 24, No. 4)

  • From the Editor
  • 2006 Goodhue-Elkins Award
  • New Photo Quiz
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2005-06 by David Deifik
  • 106th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • Spotlight on Gyrfalcon by Kathie Palfy and Rebecca Suomala
  • Backyard Birder – Daytime Encounters with Barred Owls by Kiah Walker
  • Photo Gallery – Thayer’s Gull in Rochester
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • At a Glance – Late Lingerers

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was underwritten by David Deifik in loving memory of his father, Max H. Deifik, and in honor of his mother, Sylvia Deifik. There were both responsible for inspiring his lifelong love of birds and the natural world.

Fall 2005 (Volume 24, No. 3)

  • From the Editor
  • New Photo Quiz
  • Fall Season: August 1 through November 30, 2005 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Fall 2005 Hawk Migration by Susan Fogleman
  • Keeping an Eye to the Sky – Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration by Iain MacLeod
  • Photo Gallery – Hawkwatching on Pack Monadnock
  • Spotlight on Franklin’s Gull by Rebecca Suomala and Kathie Palfy
  • The Order of Things by Kathie Palfy
  • Volunteers and Research – N. Saw-whet Owl Banding by Susan Story Galt
  • Answer to the Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections At a Glance – “The River” Flows to Durham

This issue was sponsored by Rebecca Suomala in memory of her parents, Theodore A. Waldron and Nan Turner Waldron, who shared with her a love of the outdoors and all of nature, and were generous New Hampshire Bird Records supporters.

Summer 2005 (Volume 24, No. 2)


This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by David B. Donsker in deep appreciation to the dedicated staff of New Hampshire Audubon.

Spring 2005 (Volume 24, No. 1)

  • From the Editor – Web Site Announcement
  • 2005 Goodhue-Elkins Award Recipient – Dick Hughes
  • Spring Season: March 1 through May 31, 2005 by Pamela Hunt
  • Spotlight on Ruff by Eric Masterson
  • Backyard Birder – A Birdsong Quiz by Kathy Palfy
  • Birdwatching on ACOE Lands in Weare by Mark Suomala
  • Volunteers and Research – Birders’ Exchange by Susan Story Galt
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report
  • Photo Gallery – Can You Find the Bird?
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • A Chance Encounter at the Mt. Washington Observatory

This issue of New Hampshire Bird Records, with its color cover, was sponsored by Pat Niswander in honor of the Concord Bird and Wildflower Club on its 110 th Anniversary.

Winter 2004-05 (Volume 23, No. 4)


  • From the Editor
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2004-05 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • 105th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Photo Gallery – Isles of Shoals Christmas Bird Count by Kathie Palfy and Paul Garrity
  • Spotlight on Yellow-throated Warbler by Eric Masterson
  • Backpack Birder – Spruce Grouse Encounters
  • Winter Birding Along the New Hampshire Seacoast by David B. Donsker
  • Volunteers and Research – Biodiversity Education Initiative by Stephen R. Hale
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report
  • Yellow-throated Warbler in Dover by David Carr
  • Photo Quiz by David B. Donsker
  • Corrections
  • A Chance Encounter

Fall 2004 (Volume 23, No. 3)

  • From the Editor
  • Fall Season: August 1, 2004 through November 30, 2004 by Stephen R. Mirick
  • Spotlight on Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) by Eric Masterson
  • Pelagic Birding in New Hampshire by Stephen R. Mirick
  • The Backyard Birder – Red-tailed Hawk and Ferret Encounter by Lindsay Herlihy
  • Research – Banding Project Aims for Clearer Understanding of Gulls by Susan Story Galt
  • Photo Gallery – Peregrine Falcon Rehabilitation and Release by Kathie Palfy
  • Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Summer 2004 (Volume 23, No. 2 )

  • Volunteer Request
  • A Checklist of the Birds of New Hampshire – Revised!
  • Summer Season: June 1, 2004 through July 31, 2004 by Bill Taffe
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird Highlight
  • Spotlight on Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) by Eric Masterson
  • Where to Watch Ospreys in New Hampshire by Chris Martin
  • The Backyard Birder – Struggles of a Young Green Heron by George Gavutis
  • Volunteers & Research – Mountain Birdwatch by Steve Hale
  • The Making of a Breeding Thrush Survey by Harriet Hofheinz
  • Photo Gallery – American Redstart Nest by Fred Tyrrell
  • Photo Quiz by David Donsker

Spring 2004 (Volume 23, No. 1)

  • 2004 Goodhue-Elkins Award Recipient – Dennis J. Abbott, III
  • Spring Season: March 1, 2004 through May 31, 2004 by Pam Hunt
  • Spotlight on Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) by Eric Masterson
  • Research – The Case for Indoor Cats by Susan Story Galt
  • Spring Birding on the Lower Connecticut and Ashuelot Rivers by Wendy Ward
  • Photo Gallery – Manchester’s Peregrine Cam by Kathie Palfy
  • Winged Migration: A 1953 Version from Tuckerman Ravine by John C. Calhoun, Jr.
  • Photo Quiz by David Donsker
  • The Backyard Birder – Cranial Inertial Feeding by Bohemian Waxwings by Stephen R. Hale

Winter 2003-2004 (Volume 22, No. 4)

  • From the Editor
  • Winter Season: December 1, 2003 through February 29, 2004 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Summary 2003-04 by David Deifik
  • Christmas Bird Count Map
  • 104th Christmas Bird Count Table
  • Spotlight on Dickcissel (Spiza americana) by Eric Masterson
  • Winter Birding in the Lakes Region by John Williams
  • The Backyard Birder – Red-breasted Nuthatch Caching Behavior by Tom Chase and Lindsay Herlihy
  • Golden Eagles in New Hampshire – Are there more around? by Iain McLeod
  • New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee Report by Pamela Hunt
  • Research on Early Successional Habitats by Stephen R. Hale
  • Photo Quiz by David Donsker Corrections

Unless specified, all images on this website are © Leonard Medlock for New Hampshire Bird Records.

© 2023 New Hampshire Bird Records